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Innovation and Creativity Video Project

Posted by on Friday, February 24, 2017 in Blog.

The Wond’ry has provided me with a great opportunity to learn and grow. There is so much to be said about the space and the amazing opportunities that present themselves here that have been covered by other people but it is truly amazing that there are so many ways to create and innovate all under one roof.

 I am working on a video project this semester that will try to showcase the Wond’ry capabilities while also presenting the importance of innovation and creativity in all of our lives. This video will eventually run as a 30 second commercial during televised Vanderbilt athletic events and serve as a way to engage deeply and connect with creative people out there that are looking for a place where they can explore.

 We are in the middle of preproduction and working hard to put together a piece that will be engaging and interesting. We hope to start shooting at the end of March and to have a final cut ready by the end of the school year. 

Ziyi Liu
Student Ambassador
Class of 2018
Human and Organizational Development