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Fall Break at the Wond’ry

Posted by on Wednesday, October 25, 2017 in Blog.

Ambassador Spotlight

Hello Commodores!

I hope everyone has had a fantastic fall break. A lot has been happening at the Wond’ry during the fall break. ESPN was here for the Vanderbilt – Georgia game which was extremely cool (although the result of the game, not so much for Vanderbilt). We had some extremely high-profile people visit the Wond’ry whose identity I unfortunately cant reveal on their request. However, that’s all the more reason for every one of you to hang out at the Wond’ry because you just never know who will show up!

From an events point of view, I had the pleasure of conducting introduction seminars as part of the VU Visions programs for some enthusiastic freshmen. Each group that I led were a combination of freshmen across different schools, exactly what the type of collaboration we look forward to witnessing here. After a short presentation about the wond’ry, the students were divided into teams and given 15 minutes to think about and come up with a solution for a challenge that people face in the world. Before the presentation, I asked the participants if anyone had an entrepreneurial desire, and only one or two people raised their hands. The common perception is that we cannot be entrepreneurs because we are not ‘creative’. But the results of the challenge told me something extremely different.

Each 3 member team caught hold of a challenging issue and produced an idea that was extremely creative! All this in just 15 minutes because they were pushed to do it. There is no reason why all of them cannot go on to become successful entrepreneurs. Whether they want to or not, is a different question, but the reason for yes/no decision should not be self-doubt about creativity because we are all creative in our own way!

I hope all of you come down to the Wond’ry and discover your creative side to come up with something absolutely amazing! We at the wond’ry will look forward to helping you get there in any way possible.

Student Ambassador
Varun Kaushal