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The Case for Doing Work at the Wond’ry

Posted by on Tuesday, April 4, 2017 in Blog.

The Case for Doing Work at the Wond’ry

When you come to Vanderbilt your freshman year, you don’t have an abundance of housing options. You must live in a double (or triple), and you must live on Commons. Now, many people select their freshman year roommates through Facebook or some other website, but some people decide to fill out the Vanderbilt questionnaire and take their own chances. One of the (only three) questions included on this questionnaire concerns how messy you are, and as it turns out that may be the most important question of all when it comes to deciding your study spaces at Vanderbilt.

Professor Juliet Zhu of the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business conducted a study in 2014 to monitor the impact that workspaces have on our ability to complete tasks. The study found that individuals who worked in a clean room were better able to self-regulate and persist in difficult tasks as opposed to the individuals who worked in cluttered spaces. So if you have ever found yourself irritated at your roommate’s messy ways, it’s not selfish it’s science.

In light of this news, you could decide to clean your room every week to try and reap the productivity benefits. Or, if you’re looking for something a little less time consuming you could just head over to the Wond’ry. We have a variety of clean study spaces that are practically guaranteed to meet your studying needs. Come visit us and see for yourself!

Laura Hillsman
Student Ambassador
Class of 2017