The Mid-South Hub Innovation Summit, a keystone event for fostering collaboration and growth in the region’s innovation ecosystem, is returning with a renewed focus and an impressive lineup of events. Scheduled on March 1st, this year’s summit promises to be a gathering of minds, ideas, and ambitions, aimed at nurturing an entrepreneurial community centered around innovation and shared prosperity.
The NSF Mid-South I-Corps Hub is led by Vanderbilt University. The hub will accelerate the translation of groundbreaking university research outcomes into commercialized ventures that seed emergent, prosperous innovation ecosystems across the region. The hub spans four states and includes Vanderbilt University, University of Virginia, Jackson State University, George Mason University, Meharry Medical College, Tennessee State University, University of Louisville, University of Tennessee, Knoxville and University of Kentucky.
The crescendo of the Summit is the Ceremonial Hub Convocation, scheduled from 5pm-7pm on March 1st. A cornerstone of this convocation is the Mid-South Innovator Showcase, where select regional and national teams from the Hub will narrate their journey, detailing the lessons learned and insights gained through the I-Corps programs. More than a mere presentation, this showcase is a tapestry of stories, depicting resilience, challenges, and triumphs—a true embodiment of the spirit of innovation that the Summit aims to celebrate.
Innovators, students, founders, academic institutions, government officials, investors, media, and community & ecosystem partners from across the Mid-South region, and beyond, are expected to converge at the Summit. This gathering underscores the Summit’s dedication to creating a milieu where ideas intersect with opportunities, setting the stage for collaboration and collective success. Tickets are complimentary; to register, click here. Registration closes on Monday, February 26th. As the Mid-South Hub Innovation Summit approaches, it continues to stand as a beacon of innovation, collaboration, and growth. To delve deeper into the Mid-South Hub’s initiatives or to revisit previous Summit highlights, click here.