How will Vanderbilt’s carbon footprint be calculated?
Apr. 4, 2009—[Originally published 4/2/2009 on myVU] Several weeks ago, Vanderbilt announced its plans to calculate the university’s carbon footprint. The inventory will determine the amount of the six greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere that make up Vanderbilt’s carbon footprint in an average year. This article is the fourth in a series discussing Vanderbilt’s carbon footprint....
Calculating the Carbon Footprint
Mar. 27, 2009—[Originally published by Vanderbilt Student Communications on March 27, 2009] Vanderbilt University plans to make a green statement on Earth Day when officials announce the carbon footprint. The university is following the example set by Nashville, which released its greenhouse emissions data in February. The announcement by the city is a part of a two-year...
What is Climate Change and Why Should I Care About It?
Mar. 18, 2009—Posted 3/18/2009 Several weeks ago, Vanderbilt announced its plans to calculate the university’s carbon footprint. The inventory will determine the amount of the six greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere that make up Vanderbilt’s carbon footprint in an average year. This article is the third in a series discussing Vanderbilt’s carbon footprint. But how exactly...
So what is a carbon footprint and why is Vanderbilt calculating one?
Mar. 6, 2009—On February 23, Vanderbilt announced that a carbon footprint, or greenhouse gas inventory, would be created for the first time. This article is the first in a series discussing Vanderbilt’s carbon footprint. The terms “carbon footprint” and “greenhouse gas” are used a lot in the news and on TV, but what do they really mean?...
VU to calculate carbon footprint
Feb. 20, 2009—Vanderbilt plans to calculate its carbon footprint this spring through a greenhouse gas emissions inventory. The inventory will determine the amount of the six greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere in an average year, based on 2005-2007 data. These greenhouse gases are: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride. Greenhouse gases trap...
New technology collects, recycles exhaled anesthetic
Nov. 7, 2008—[Originally published by Vanderbilt Medical Center’s Office of News and Communication in The VUMC Reporter] By Leslie Hast A new technology, called the Dynamic Gas Scavenging System (DGSS), could have an impact on both the environment and health care economics. The system, invented by James Berry, M.D., professor of Anesthesiology, along with Leland Lancaster, M.D,...
Seven easy actions you can do today to save the environment and gas
Oct. 20, 2008—[Originally published by Vanderbilt News Service in MyVU] Want to save gasoline, lower your power bills and help save the environment? New Vanderbilt research identifies seven simple actions individuals can start today that have the potential to dramatically reduce energy use and carbon emissions. Individuals generate up to 40 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions....
Cutting through the hype: What science tells us about climate change
Aug. 15, 2008—[Originally published by Vanderbilt News Service in MyVU] “Global Warming – What do we know and what we should do?” is the title of a free public lecture that will be given Thursday afternoon, Sept. 4, on the Vanderbilt University campus. The speaker will be Richard Somerville, a coordinating lead author of the United Nation’s...