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Organization Training Materials

Below are some materials that provide student leaders and coaches with information that will assist them with managing and supporting their student groups.  Please check back on this page as material is updated after training periods.

RSO and Adviser Trainings

  • Take a look at our webpage for training information pertaining to managing student groups.

Event Planning, Marketing and PR

  • Deeper analysis of event planning and marketing.

Constitution Outline

  • Sample constitution for student organizations to use as a guide for their own constitutions and other governing documents.

RSO and Coaches’ Trainings

  • A hub of the latest training sessions for Student Organization Officers and Advisers.

Financial Resources for Student Organizations

W-9 Form

  • Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification.  This information is necessary to help vendors and suppliers receive payment for services and products.

Charitable Contributions Form

  • Form required for contributions to not-for-profit organizations;
  • Must be completed by the organization’s coach.

Tax Exempt Certificate

  • Use when making purchases on behalf of your student organizations.  This document will exempt taxes from the organization’s purchases.  All purchases made for students groups must be tax exempt.

Public Performance Rights – Read below

Events that include showing a film on campus
  • Events at Vanderbilt can assist both with ordering films and with securing public performance rights;
  • Note that public performance rights must be obtained prior to showing a film on campus;
  • Registered student organizations may also order films to show on campus. The motion picture titles shown on the Vanderbilt campus are cleared by the distributors for public performance exhibition. This means that Vanderbilt has the legal right to show titles before groups of students, faculty, and their friends on campus. The “home use” versions of these same titles, obtained from video stores, etc., are not cleared by the distributors for public performance use by the University, because proper licensing fees to the copyright owners have not been paid for such use. Films, videos, or DVDs may not be shown to dorm audiences, clubs, fraternities, sororities, or other organizations, without first obtaining a public performance license. Events at Vanderbilt in Sarratt Student Center, 615-32(2-2448), can provide additional information.