Student Employment Overview
Here at Student Centers, our goal is to curate a student employment experience unlike any other on Vanderbilt’s Campus. Our students are responsible for staffing buildings all across campus that fall under the Student Centers department — Sarratt|Rand, Commons, Residential Colleges, the Student Life Center, Alumni Hall, and more! If you’re currently looking for an on-campus job, read more about our Positions and check out our FAQs. When you’re ready, visit our Apply page for details on submitting your resume and application.
With more buildings and events to manage every year, the Student Centers department relies on our incredible student staff. We take pride in our students’ dedication to support our facilities as they are often the hub of programs, events, and meetings. Beyond a deeper connection to the campus, our employment program provides students with opportunities for promotion, professional development, and participation on a variety of committees. Every year our graduating seniors and alumni tell us how helpful their Student Centers experience was in their job and internship searches. For any more information or questions, please email us at