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Event Registration

Event Registration

Once you have reserved your space through Virtual EMS, the next step is to register your event in Anchor Link. To create and manage your event in Anchor Link, you must be an officer of your student organization or an administrator of your department’s Anchor Link page.  

The form to register your event will prompt you to enter information about where and when you are hosting your event, who is attending, for what purpose, and what activities are involved.  As details are entered, an approval process is set in motion, so you want to be as specific as possible when submitting your event to avoid any delays in approval. For events where minors will be present, where a film is being shown, or where any external vendors are bringing in equipment or services, you will need to indicate those details on your event registration and await the “thumbs up” approval on your event in Anchor Link.    

Campus can get very busy with activities, so while you are in Anchor Link, it is a good idea to go to your ideal event date and check out what else is already on the Anchor Link calendar.  If your proposed event date conflicts with another signature campus event, consider rescheduling or partnering up to minimize over-programming and increase attendance at your event.

The following Risk Management guidelines are designed to assist all Vanderbilt departments and Registered Student Organizations who wish to host events or activities that could be considered high-risk in any space on campus. All events should be coordinated with the Student Centers office.

Special events by their very nature are not routine operations and therefore, the exposure to risk is increased. Accidents can involve injury or property damage, resulting in financial loss, reputational loss, interruption or cancellation of activity, and additional expenses such as emergency response. Ensuring a safe and successful event requires preparation and planning.

The following types of events must be registered through the event registration process in Anchor Link

  • Service of Alcohol
  • Concerts
  • Events with live animals
  • Events that involve minors that are NOT Vanderbilt students
  • Physical activities (such as inflatable games, dunk booth, amusement rides, vehicles, car smashes, carnival games)
  • Planned controversial presentations to large crowds
  • Multiple vendors/ exhibitors
  • Sporting events not sponsored by Athletics, or club sports (races, marathons, walk-a-thons, competitions)
  • Political rallies, protests, marches or debates
  • Festivals, fairs, exhibitions, carnivals, parades, conventions
  • Events open to the general public
  • Firepit
  • Food preparation not provided by Campus Dining or approved/preferred caterer (food trucks, other caterers, etc)

Accessibility Accommodations

Please communicate with your Event Manager at least three weeks prior about any particular accommodations your guests may require.

Avoid scheduling events during major religious holidays and festivals, and be mindful of the global community

  • Check AnchorLink for upcoming events and Vanderbilt Events Calendar to determine potential conflicts

Consider connecting with other offices and integrating into existing events and programs to maximize attendance.

Vanderbilt University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all events and programs. Accommodations such as accessible seating and presentation materials in alternate formats* are provided upon request.

Please contact Student Centers and speak with your Operations and Events Coordinator at or x22448. Every reasonable effort will be made to implement accommodations in an effective and timely manner.

*If food is being served, we recommend adding a third sample accommodation such as “adjustments due to dietary needs”.

**Accommodation requests received after the designated deadline may not be refused. Reasonable efforts should be made to provide the requested accommodations.

Resources (links)