Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) Waiver Policies
Automatic Enrollment
All International Students are automatically enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) and the premium for coverage is added to their tuition billing unless proof of comparable coverage is furnished. All other degree and non-degree seeking students (excluding DUS and Consortium students) enrolled in 4+ credit hours, a 0-credit research/dissertation course, or any other course that is considered to equate to full-time enrollment are automatically enrolled in SHIP and the premium for coverage is added to their tuition billing unless proof of comparable coverage is furnished.
SHIP is an annual plan with coverage dates of August 12 through August 11 of the following year. Students who are enrolled in SHIP in the fall will remain enrolled for the full plan year unless they take action to disenroll from spring/summer coverage. Graduating students, those who withdraw or take a leave of absence, and those who obtain comparable insurance coverage during (or directly after) the fall semester may be eligible to disenroll from spring/summer coverage. Learn more under the “Graduating Students, Withdrawals & Leaves of Absence” & “Obtaining Comparable Coverage” sections below.
Waiving SHIP
- Spring 2024 (Waiver period closed)
- Eligible newly enrolled spring students interested in waiving SHIP for spring 2024 may request to waive SHIP by completing a waiver form at https://vanderbilt.myahpcare.com/waiver between December 1, 2023 and January 4, 2024. Please read the Waiver Requirements and Criteria for Comparable Coverage sections below.
- Summer 2024 (Waiver period closed)
- Eligible newly enrolled summer students interested in waiving SHIP for the summer 2024 may request to waive SHIP by completing a waiver form at https://vanderbilt.myahpcare.com/waiver between April 18, 2024 and June 1, 2024. Please read the Waiver Requirements and Criteria for Comparable Coverage sections below. If you wish to also waive SHIP for the 2024-2025 year, you must complete a separate annual waiver form.
- Annual Plan 2024-2025
- Eligible students interested in waiving SHIP for the 2024-2025 academic year may request to waive SHIP by completing a waiver form at https://vanderbilt.myahpcare.com/waiver between June 17, 2024 and August 1, 2024. Please read the Waiver Requirements and Criteria for Comparable Coverage sections below.
- MD Students
- The annual SHIP coverage period is aligned with the standard academic calendar and runs from August 12, 2024 – August 11, 2025. Any student wishing to waive coverage due to having a comparable health plan in place already or for other qualifying grounds must complete the Annual waiver by the deadlines listed above. The annual waiver must be completed each year. First-year MD students desiring health insurance coverage prior to August 12, 2024 may purchase a short term plan directly from Academic Health Plans. Reach out to SHIP@vanderbilt.edu if you have any questions.
Compare Your Plan
To compare your current plan benefits with those offered by the Vanderbilt student health insurance plan, please click here.
Coverage Period | Waiver Deadline | Student Description |
Summer 2024 | June 1, 2024 | Newly enrolled summer students |
Annual 2024-25 | August 1, 2024 | Newly enrolled and returning annual students |
Spring 2024 | January 4, 2024 | Newly enrolled spring students |
Missing the original waiver deadline is not a basis for an appeal. See the "Waiver Denials, Missed Deadlines and Appeals" section below for more information.
All waiver and appeal deadlines for coverage periods prior to those listed above have passed.
Domestic Students
- Domestic undergraduate, graduate & professional students eligible for SHIP and enrolled in either online or on-campus coursework can request to waive SHIP if they have comparable coverage in the area they reside during the academic year. Please carefully read the Criteria for Comparable Coverage section below.
International Students
- International undergraduate, graduate, & professional students eligible for SHIP and enrolled in either online or on-campus coursework residing in the United States can request to waive SHIP if they have comparable US-based employer coverage filed in the United States through their direct employment or through a dependent’s employer. Individual plans purchased on the Marketplace, travel plans, or home-country employer plans are not considered comparable to the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP). Please carefully read the Criteria for Comparable Coverage section below.
Students Living Abroad
- The waiver for living abroad only applies to students who will not return to the United States prior to the completion of their academic program and degree conferral. Consequently, students on study abroad are not eligible for this waiver unless while abroad they complete their program, receive a degree, and will not return to the United States before the conclusion of the SHIP annual plan on August 11.
To be eligible for a waiver, Vanderbilt requires students to provide evidence of health insurance coverage equal to or better than the coverage provided by SHIP.
To qualify for a waiver, your health insurance plan must:
- Be fully compliant with the provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and all state and federal mandates. Click here to confirm if your plan is ACA compliant;
- Be underwritten by an insurance company based in the United States with a U.S. telephone number and address for submission of claims;
- Provide unlimited access to doctors, specialists, hospitals and other healthcare providers within 25 miles of campus – unless the student is fully online in a distance learning program;
- Cover a minimum of 80% with no lifetime maximum (i.e., unlimited benefit) per accident or sickness OR the co-insurance must not exceed 20%. This requirement can be waived if:
- It is a U.S. employer plan OR
- It is an individual plan with an individual deductible of no more than $1,000 OR an individual out-of-pocket maximum of no more than $5,000;
- Have an in-network individual deductible no more than $1,000 per policy year (this will be waived for U.S. employer plans);
- Provide coverage for the period beginning 8/12/2022 with the expectation of continuing coverage through 8/11/2023 (for annual waivers).
- Provide coverage for medical evacuation in the amount of $50,000 USD and coverage for repatriation of mortal remains in the amount of $25,000 USD to student’s home county (international students only)
**Please note, the following types of plans are not acceptable for a waiver. **
- Short-Term Limited Duration Plans
- Medical Cost-Sharing Plans
- Healthcare Sharing Ministry Plans
- Medisave Plans
- Out-of-State HMO plans (unless proof of access to routine, urgent and emergency care in the Nashville area is provided)
- Out-of-State Medicaid Plan
- Children’s Health Insurance Plans
- Travel Plans
- Plans filed outside of the United States of America
- Individual/Marketplace Plans (international students only)
- Home-country employer plans (international students only)
Waiver applications will be reviewed and verified as active with the insurance carrier.
Notice of Acceptance or Rejection of waiver applications will be sent to the student’s Vanderbilt email address within seven (7) business days.
Students who submitted an online waiver form and received a denial will have the opportunity to submit additional documentation in support of their waiver request.
If a student has met all applicable deadlines and received a waiver denial, they may appeal the decision to Vanderbilt’s Student Health Insurance Plan Appeals Committee (SHIP Appeals Committee).
Appeals must be submitted using the online SHIP Waiver Appeals form. Using this form, clearly outline the rationale for the appeal and include all supporting documentation relevant to the request. A Vanderbilt representative will be in touch with the student regarding the Committee’s decision. All decisions by the Appeals Committee are final. Students may not submit additional appeals.
It is important to note the following about the SHIP appeals process:
- Missed deadlines will not be a sufficient basis for an appeal. AHP communicates deadline information via email with students.
- Missed email communications from AHP or Vanderbilt will not be a sufficient basis for an appeal. Per the Student Handbook, students are required to be familiar with the contents of official University notifications, and to respond to instructions and other official correspondence requiring a response.
- Health cost sharing plans are not considered comparable coverage as all plans must be fully compliant with the provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and provide access to local primary care providers in the Vanderbilt University area. The SHIP Appeals Committee will not approve waiver appeals based on coverage through a health cost sharing plan.
- Students with questions about the appeals process should email SHIP@vanderbilt.edu.
To view what the SHIP Appeals Committee may consider, click here.
Students who take a leave of absence, withdraw OR graduate within the first 31 days after the start of coverage
- “Within the first 31 days” is considered the 31 days following the start of insurance coverage. Students who start SHIP coverage in the fall semester are typically within the first 31 days between August 11-September 12. Students who start coverage in the spring semester having not participated in SHIP during the fall semester term are typically within the first 31 days between January 1-January 31. Any changes to the start date of coverage are communicated in advance.
- If you are enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) and you take a leave of absence, withdraw, or graduate within the first 31 days from the start of your coverage, you will NOT be covered under the Policy and the full premium will be refunded, less any claims paid.
- If you were enrolled in SHIP at least the semester immediately preceding a medical leave of absence (MLOA), you may choose to enroll in a one-time extension of your coverage while you are on MLOA, for up to one year. To extend your coverage, complete and submit the Leave of Absence SHIP Enrollment application with a copy of your MLOA letter from your Dean during Open Enrollment to ensure timely enrollment. If you have questions, please reach out to Student Care Coordination or SHIP@vanderbilt.edu.
Students who take a leave of absence, withdraw OR graduate at least 31 days past the start of coverage (i.e. after September 12)
- “31 days past the start” is considered any date that is not within the first 31 days following the start of insurance coverage. Students who start SHIP coverage in the fall are typically past the first 31 days on September 13. Students who start coverage in the spring semester having not participated in SHIP during the fall semester are typically past the 31 days on February 1. Any changes to the start date of coverage are communicated in advance.
- If you are enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) and you take a leave of absence, withdraw, or graduate 31 days past the start of coverage, you will remain enrolled in the SHIP plan until the end of this plan year (August 11). If you wish to waive SHIP for the spring/summer semesters, please review the following sections.
- If you decide to remain on MLOA past the termination date of your current SHIP plan (August 11) there may be options to extend your enrollment under SHIP. Please contact Student Care Coordination.
- If you are interested in waiving spring/summer coverage*, you must meet the following criteria:
- For graduating students, the student has completed all degree requirements, which will be verified with the Office of the University Registrar. Your degree conferral date must be on or before January 31.
- For students who have withdrawn from the University, their withdrawal will be verified with the Office of the University Registrar. Your withdrawal date must be on or before January 31. Graduating student FAQs.
- For students on a leave of absence, your leave will be verified by the Office of the University Registrar. Your leave must start on or before January 31. Students on a medical leave of absence must provide proof of alternate coverage. International students without active coverage from a different insurance carrier must show proof (e.g., plane ticket) of departure from the United States.
- The student has not incurred claims with a date of service after December 31 of the previous year.
- If dependents are on the student's policy, the dependent(s) must not have incurred claims with a date of service after December 31of the previous year**.
*The spring/summer coverage period is January 1 – August 11. If you waive spring/summer coverage, your coverage will end at 11:59pm on December 31 even if you graduate, withdraw, or take a leave of absence past this date.
**Please note if a student terminates the student health insurance coverage, any coverage for dependents will also be terminated.
Vanderbilt allows for students who may have obtained comparable coverage from a U.S. based insurance company since Fall enrollment to complete a Spring/Summer waiver form to terminate their SHIP coverage as of December 31, 2024.
In order to qualify to submit a Spring/Summer comparable coverage waiver, there are a few requirements:
- Coverage must be effective on or before January 1, 2025.
- In order for the request to be approved, the other insurance plan must be fully compliant with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and comparable to the Vanderbilt University Student Health Insurance Plan (click here for a list of requirements). Requests will be audited to confirm coverage is comparable.
- Students who incur claims on or after January 1, 2025, will not be permitted to disenroll from spring/summer coverage.
- If you submitted a waiver request and/or waiver appeal for Fall 2024 and were denied, you may not submit the same insurance coverage for a Spring/Summer waiver. If a student submits a waiver with the same coverage from what was submitted in the fall, their comparable coverage waiver request will be denied.