Sexual Resources

Sexual wellness involves making informed decisions representing your values about sexual relationships, while respecting and honoring the choices of others. The below resources are available to empower you to make healthy sexual choices, respond to your personal safety and needs, and offer support to those affected by intimate partner violence.
The star (★) icon indicates VU offices or programs.
SCC is the central and first point of contact for students to help identify needs and determine the most appropriate resources in Vanderbilt’s Student Care Network and in the Nashville community to address concerns. Student Care Coordinators work collaboratively with students to develop a student success plan, share education about and facilitate connections to appropriate on and off-campus resources, and provide accountability through supportive follow-up meetings.
- As a key component of Vanderbilt’s Student Care Network, the UCC provides mental health assessment, support, and treatment for all students enrolled at Vanderbilt, including undergraduate, graduate, and professional students.
- Highly skilled and multi-disciplinary teams of professionals offer urgent care, substance abuse counseling, short-term individual counseling, group therapy, biofeedback, ADHD and learning disorder assessments, and psychiatric assessment and pharmacologic treatment. Treatment plans are tailored to each individual’s unique background and needs. UCC professionals support the University’s mission of fostering inclusive excellence through cultural awareness and humility. In addition to the services mentioned, the UCC also offers various Drop-in Consultations and Workshops throughout each week.
- To access UCC services, visit the Office of Student Care Coordination’s website at or call the OSCC at 615-343-WELL (9355). For immediate urgent care support or to speak with someone at the UCC after business hours, call the UCC at 615-322-2571.
The Vanderbilt Emergency Department (ER) is a Level 1 Trauma Center offering 24/7 emergency medical care. It is located at 1211 Medical Center Drive, Nashville, TN 37232.
Vanderbilt’s Office of LGBTQI Life is a cultural center and a place of affirmation for individuals of all identities, and a resource for information and support about gender and sexuality. LGBTQI Life serves all members of the Vanderbilt community — students, faculty, staff, and alumni — by creating educational, cultural, and social opportunities. The office also supports and advises LGBTQI-related campus groups and activities.
A listing of on-and-off-campus sexual health resources for people of all genders.
The mission of the Project Safe Center is to provide information, support, referrals, and education about sexual and intimate partner violence (including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking), as well as consent, healthy relationships, and healthy sexuality to the Vanderbilt University community. Project Safe serves as a central resource for those impacted by power-based personal violence and can assist with navigating the University’s resource and support network (including the University Counseling Center, Student Health Center, the Title IX & Discrimination Office, and the Vanderbilt University Police Department) as well as external support and law enforcement resources. Click here to read about Project Safe’s confidentiality policy.
Call Project Safe’s 24-Hour Crisis/Support Hotline: (615) 322-SAFE (7233) for immediate support. Project Safe Center staff are available 24/7 to provide accompaniment to Vanderbilt University Medical Center Emergency Department for treatment post-assault and/or for a forensic examination. Click here to read about Project Safe’s confidentiality policy.
Sexual and reproductive health services offered at the Student Health Center include health exams, family planning, STD testing, pap smears, birth control management, emergency contraception, counseling for pregnant students, and sexual assault evaluation and treatment.
The Title IX and Student Discrimination Office is responsible for the review, investigation, and resolution of reports of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct under the applicable processes as mandated by law.
The Vanderbilt University Police Department is a professional law enforcement agency dedicated to the protection and security of Vanderbilt University and its diverse community. Call (615) 421-1911 or 911 for emergencies, and 615-322-2745 for non emergencies.