Intellectual Resources

Intellectual wellness is a key part of your journey as a Vanderbilt student. Part of intellectual wellness is being faced with intellectual challenges that help you grow and develop. You are learning new ideas, being asked to think critically and independently, and have a lot of work competing for your time and attention. The below resources are available to help you navigate your academic life. If you need a little extra help in a subject, consider scheduling a tutoring session. Want to learn about smart study habits? Visit the Center for Student Wellbeing for academic skills coaching. There are a variety of student support offices available to help you achieve intellectual wellness.
The star (★) icon indicates VU offices or programs.
SCC is the central and first point of contact for students to help identify needs and determine the most appropriate resources in Vanderbilt’s Student Care Network and in the Nashville community to address concerns. Student Care Coordinators work collaboratively with students to develop a student success plan, share education about and facilitate connections to appropriate on and off-campus resources, and provide accountability through supportive follow-up meetings.
Academic and study skills coaching on topics such as time management, organization, test prep, writing papers and reports, dissertation block coaching, and handling academic-related anxiety and stress.
The College of Arts and Science’s Pre-major Academic Advising Resources office. Each CASPAR adviser is a Vanderbilt faculty member who teaches a First-Year Writing Seminar in their home department in addition to advising pre-major students.
Free, drop-in tutoring help sessions open to all undergraduate students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Courses.
The Vanderbilt University English Language Center (ELC) provides English-language support for individuals who have a first language other than English and who are enrolled or working at Vanderbilt University.
The Global Education Office (GEO) is committed to preparing global citizens by providing innovative and high quality international learning experiences that build on Vanderbilt University’s commitment to academic excellence, global engagement and community service.
The Graduate & Postdoc Academic Success (GPAS) program provides the critical infrastructure and support for College/School leadership, departments/programs, and faculty to assist their students and postdocs in reaching their academic goals. They do this through direct outreach to departments and faculty, responsive programming and workshops, and direct support of students and postdocs in alignment with their development as the next generation of scholars and leaders. In addition to tailored and responsive programming to support departments, graduate students, and postdoc needs, GPAS offers individual success planning sessions which include conversations around progress, productivity, and navigating academic relationships.
Advising services for students interested in advanced careers in medicine.
International Student & Scholar Services fosters the education and development of non-immigrant students and scholars to enable them to achieve their academic and professional goals and objectives. ISSS provides advice, counseling, and advocacy regarding immigration, cross-cultural, and personal matters.
There are nine libraries at Vanderbilt University with holdings to support research in a wide variety of subjects.
The UCC offers testing services, assessment, and medication management for students with learning disabilities (LD) or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) is responsible for planning and managing programs and services for Vanderbilt’s postdoctoral community.
Peabody’s Office of Student Engagement and Well-Being promotes engagement and holistic well-being for all Peabody students through intentional community building and meaningful co-curricular programming.
Advising services for students interested in an advanced career in architecture.
Advising services for those interested in exploring the career of law.
Advising services for students interested in an advanced career in nursing.
Student Access provides a wide range of disability services and resources for qualified students.
Tutoring Services offers one-on-one appointments as well as weekly and pre-exam tutor-facilitated group study opportunities for many introductory and intermediate level courses in biological sciences, chemistry, economics, mathematics, neuroscience, and physics. All services are free and open to Vanderbilt students in any school or major. Appointments are made through the Tutoring Services website.
The Writing Studio offers free and confidential writing assistance to undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty at Vanderbilt University. During 50-minute writing consultation, writers can receive constructive feedback from trained consultants and assistance developing strategies for all stages of the writing process from brainstorming to revision. Additional programming at the Writing Studio includes writing workshops on a wide range of topics, weekly writing groups, and the annual Dissertation Writers Retreat Series. To schedule an appointment and learn more about upcoming opportunities and events, visit the Writing Studio website.
Your Enrollment Services (YES) is the primary academic records and registration portal for Vanderbilt University students, including access to your student billing.
BOLD Fellows Program at the CFT ★
Graduate School Thesis and Dissertation Guidelines ★
Graduate Teaching Fellows Program at the CFT ★
Student Accountability, Community Standards, & Academic Integrity ★
Student Leadership Development (OSLD) ★
Women in the Academy at the Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center ★