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DOS Superstars

Posted by on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 in News Blurbs.

DOS Superstar recognizes colleagues that are going above and beyond. Congratulations to all DOS Superstars! Read below what their colleagues had to say.

Katherine Drotos Cuthbert and Julius Ervin, Center for Student Wellbeing

Katherine Drotos Cuthbert and Julius Ervin did a tremendous job hosting the 8th annual Southeast Collegiate Recovery Summit, which was held at Vanderbilt for the first time May 17-19. Students, faculty, and staff from across the region joined together to build community and strengthen collaborative efforts to support students in recovery. Way to go, Katherine and Julius!

Marissa McGillis, Elaine Currie, and Josh Wolf

The Academic Integrity team in OSACSAI (Marissa McGillis, Elaine Currie, and Josh Wolf) have been absolute superstars this semester! Since January they have held nearly 40 Honor Council hearings, almost all of which occur after work hours and last for anywhere from 2-4 hours each. This huge workload and catching up from short-staffing has been a significant accomplishment in the face of adversity and they have risen to every challenge they have faced. Their work ethic, determination, teamwork, and commitment to a core University and DOS priority is to be commended and we are so appreciative of their leadership!

Will Husted, Graduate Assistant, DOS Central

Will Husted has spent the last 3 months managing the recruitment process for the DOS and Provost graduate assistants. He has been the main contact for prospective students, created schedules and sign-up templates for interviews, and navigated the matching process all while continuing to provide support and resources to our current GA program. Thank you for your dedication to our graduate students! We are lucky to have you on the Central team.

Piersen Briggs, Administrative Assistant, Student Engagement and Leadership

Shout out to SUPERSTAR Piersen Briggs, who gracefully assisted two offices while the Dean of Students Central Office has been searching for a new Administrative Assistant. Piersen has been managing incoming phone calls and walk-in traffic for the Central Office. She has managed this additional workload while continuing to perform her normal responsibilities for the Student Engagement and Leadership cluster at a high level. She has quickly become a valued member of our team in the few months she has been in her position, offering significant contributions for SEL and DOS Central. She has handled all of this with her consistent positive attitude, contagious energy and sunny disposition. Thank you, Piersen…. we appreciate your efforts to keep our offices running smoothly!

Mikey Pastrana, Administrative Coordinator, DOS Central

I’d like to nominate Mikey Pastrana from DOS Central! He has been juggling training two new coordinators with all the student travel requests, along with his regular duties, with grace and efficiency! We don’t know what we’d do without him.


Elaine Currie and Josh Wolf
Graduate Assistants, Office of Student Accountability, Community Standards, & Academic Integrity

Elaine Currie and Josh Wolf were consistent superstars for the Fall 2021 semester! Facing an unprecedented caseload, changing operations from online to hybrid hearings, and short-staffing in the Office of Student Accountability, these two GAs stepped up every single day to meet the evolving demands on their time. Expressing a willingness to take on more and rise to the occasion, both Elaine and Josh tackled additional hours beyond their GA roles to help out the Office of Student Accountability and the Undergraduate Honor Council. They maintained a positive attitude, laughed at the absurdity of some of the situations they found themselves in, and never wavered in their commitment to excellence! Elaine and Josh have exemplified the strength of the DOS GA program and their work is to be commended! We appreciate you!

Hannah Clark
Assistant Director, Student Care Coordination

Hannah Clark has been a real DOS superstar; with the number of Student of Concern reports up over 60% this year, she’s done a fantastic job of personally responding to each reporter and then reaching out to students and campus partners to coordinate follow up care.


Gary Sinz
Lead Technical Assistant, Student Centers

Thank you to Gary Sinz for overseeing and providing Audio Visual support for our DOS All Staff Meeting and the Academic and Student Affairs Professional Development Event. We appreciate the work you do to make DOS events successful and the time you took to help ensure these events were available to staff virtually.


Ashley Ladyman
Associate Director, Housing Assignments

Thank you to Ashley Ladyman for working to coordinate room surveying in several residence halls in preparation for foundational blasting at the Residential College construction site. We appreciate your work in recruiting and coordinating volunteers, and providing detailed instruction and information to help the project successfully proceed.


Dr. Otis McGresham
Prevention Educator and Victim Resource Specialist, Project Safe

Dr. Otis McGresham has been an absolute superstar (always, but especially this semester)! In addition to his role in Project Safe, Otis has volunteered his time to serve as an Accountability Officer in the Office of Student Accountability and has taken on a sizable caseload to help OSACSAI during staff shortages. Otis has always been a wonderful campus partner, but his work in this capacity highlights his willingness to go above and beyond to support his Community Standards and Student Support colleagues. His positive attitude, flexibility, and team-focused mentality make him a true DOS superstar!

Carly Burt
Assistant Director, Conferences

I proudly nominate Carly Burt for a DoD Superstar! Carly has been working hard to help manage Q/I housing as COVID 19 numbers increase as well as managing ResEx’s One Card while Searching for Laura’s replacement. Carly works hard to be a good community partner.

Jorge Wellmann
Area Coordinator, The Ingram Commons

Jorge Wellmann has been going above and beyond in his role to help the new members of the OHARE staff learn their roles and excel in supporting our students. Jorge has put in vast amounts of time, energy, and effort to make Vanderbilt home for new employees and students. A huge shout out to his work with the first year students and team!

Traci Ray
Assistant Dean, Student Engagement and Leadership

I would like to nominate Traci Ray, Assistant Dean of Students as DOS Star for her management of the COVID Student Storage.

I would like to acknowledge the COVID Storage Team for their 18 months of work reunited students with their belongings (Traci Ray, Anna Thomas, Paige Farst, Alison Matarese, Justin Aerne, Linda Welch, Josh Miller, Carly Burt and Bridget Ukawu)

I also want to specifically acknowledge Traci Ray for her leadership of this project. 18 months ago when students suddenly departed campus and left many belongings behind, Traci Ray stepped up to manage the very complex job of organizing campus storage. From physically being present to facilitate storage pick-ups, tracking student belongings, managing and training staff volunteers to support storage pickups, serving as a liaison to facilities and plant operations, and working closely with communications and assignments staff to coordinate student sign ups, she has seen this project through from start to (hopeful near) end!

When no one else could be present to meet a student to reunite them with their items, Traci would be there. During move-in 2021, almost daily for 10 days she coordinated student pickups and went out of her way to arrange transportation for students and track down missing items.

The scope of this project has been very large and Traci has taken this on in addition to her regular responsibilities. Thank you, Traci Ray, for the countless hours you have dedicated to this project.


Read about all of our DOS Superstars from past weeks.

Paige Farst
Marketing & Communications Coordinator, Housing Assignments

Paige has worked tirelessly for the past month supporting housing communications related to move-out and campus resources due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Paige manages the OHARE inbox, which has been flooded with 100s of emails. She makes an effort to communicate personally with each student who reaches out. She is proactive in managing message drafts and approvals to keep things moving forward and she anticipates communication needs before they arise. Paige has worked nonstop for the past few weeks—into the evenings and all weekend. I have been impressed by her initiative and her painstaking attention to detail. Thank you, Paige, for your dedication to our students! -Anna Thomas 

Melissa Porter, Psy.D., HSP
Psychologist, University Center Counseling

She has been fierce and absolutely tenacious during this time of remote work. – Dr. Adriana Kipper-Smith 

Melissa has been a true stand out as an exemplary staff member and departmental leader during this challenging transition of migrating our entire UCC clinical and administrative team to remote work.  She quickly learned the latest technology and offered to be the primary facilitator for staff and other meetings and to send out a regular email to staff updating them on all of the updates regarding the transition. She is upbeat, positive and has a “can-do” spirit that quickly turns obstacles into opportunities to try new creative approaches to meeting the mental health needs of our students in this “new normal”. For all of this (and more) Melissa deserves to be honored as a true Virtual Superstar and we are all very fortunate to have her as part of our UCC, Student Care Network, and DOS teams. – Dr. Todd Weinman

Dr. Porter is a key person in the Vanderbilt University Counseling during times of normal operations, heading up the Crisis Care team, and functioning as the Assistant Clinical Director. During this time of working from home she has stepped up (and beyond) in numerous ways: spending most of the weekend prior to our moving to work at home reviewing various sources and collating recommendations for best practices for telemental health to shape our new policies and procedures, hosting weekly virtual staff meetings, including case conference, staff meeting and town halls, sending out daily email summaries of the changes that have taken place, maintaining a sense of humility and humor despite balancing teaching children at home while working, and being a support for other staff both professionally and personally. She is a virtual superstar for Vanderbilt! -Dr. Ed Smith

Ally Rouff
Administrative Assistant II, University Counseling Center

Ally has been able to provide great administrative support to our staff and leadership. She has been able to efficiently coordinate multiple schedules to offer zoom meetings in lieu of campus interviews during one of our recent search processes. She made sure all details had been taken care of, allowing the involved staff to focus on their main task. She is a joy to work with. – Dr. Adriana Kipper-Smith 



Alison Templeman
Program Coordinator, Greek Life

Alison has been working incredibly hard to stay connected with the students she advises. She continues to find ways to meaningfully connect with them and show true care and concern for their well-being. Alison radiates positivity and goes above and beyond to ensure she is supporting everyone she works with. Though this has been a difficult time for many, Alison continues to push for a student-centered approach to our work, ultimately ensuring that they are receiving the support and tools they need during this time. At the staff level, she has continued to share self-care resources with our team and looks for ways to celebrate DOS Staff members for their hard work and accomplishments. She is certainly a Virtual Superstar! – Taylor Shaw

Cara Tuttle Bell
Director of Project Safe

In early March, as colleges and universities began transitioning to online classes, Cara guided Project Safe’s transition to online victim advocacy services and prevention education. She shared the steps Project Safe was taking on the national, highly active Sexual Assault Prevention Coordinators listserv, and Vanderbilt’s steps and Cara’s guidance took off.  The information she had shared with her prevention colleagues came to the notice of EVERFI, who tapped her to co-author a rapid response blog post, which also has gotten a lot of traction in our field. We have fielded many questions and calls from prevention offices and victim advocacy centers across the U.S., both higher ed and community organizations, in the weeks since Cara’s listserv email and blog post. The Project Safe Center has again been recognized as a leader in the field, now for our COVID response, under Cara’s leadership.  – Sarah Jordan Welch 

Heather Boyd, LMSW

Heather is one of our DBT team members and is used to doing several groups of at least ten students each time surrounding skills related to DBT. Her team was mid-group sessions when we were called off-campus. That has not stopped her or her team as she has collaborated and created a DBT workshop through recorded Zoom sessions. She has learned significant skills in technology advancing the ways the UCC can meet the needs of our students. In addition, she was able to meet her clinical licensure hours during the midst of a global pandemic. Her hard work is appreciated and recognized. – Dr. Melissa Porter

Mary Helen Davidson
Director, Office of Student Accountability, Community Standards, and Academic Integrity

Mary Helen returned from leave and had a few weeks of relative normalcy before preparations for COVID-19 began. As the scope of the pandemic started to make itself known and even before official University-wide measures were implemented, Mary Helen proactively led the office in identifying and understanding ways to seamlessly move all operations, including student accountability meetings and honor council hearings, to a remote environment. Operations, logistics, and individualized care have always been Mary Helen’s strengths, but this season has brought them to the forefront and the office wants to highlight her as a model supervisor during these challenging times. Through regular staff meetings to stay connected and aware of internal and community-wide updates, space to process what is already an increased and challenging workload as the semester draws to a close, and helping each other cope with recent events, Mary Helen has a realistic understanding of what it means to navigate an ambiguous and play-it-by-ear environment and provides constant support, agency, and flexibility. Thank you, Mary Helen! We truly appreciate you. – Diana Morris and Jeremy Bourgoin

Randy Tarkington
Senior Director, Residential Experience

Randy is a star, virtually and in person. He has put in untold hours working with students, staff, and campus partners from the first moments following spring break. Randy seems to be everywhere at once. He’s online, he’s Zooming, he’s emailing, he’s in residence halls, he’s in the office. If anyone exemplifies commitment to Vanderbilt students and to the University, it is Randy. – Jim Kramka




Nadine de la Rosa
Assistant Director, Housing and Residential Experience

Nadine has taken the lead on organizing OHARE’s special move out. She chaired a committee to design the move out plan, coordinated with the Office of the General Counsel and Division of Communications to distribute messages to students about returning to campus for their belongings. Additionally, she oversaw the development of staff roles and a training for both OHARE and Dean of Students central staff. All the time she has spent coordinating these efforts will make the return to campus a safe and well organized event for all involved! Way to go, Nadine!

Mark Bandas, Associate Provost and Dean of Students

Dean Bandas has been working tirelessly to respond to student and staff needs. He can be found on Zoom all day, every day–often working through lunch. In the early morning hours and late evening hours, he continues to answer emails and does the “rest” of his work. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Dean Bandas has been an advocate for both the needs of students and of our staff. Thank you, Dean Bandas!


Anna Thomas
Assistant Director, Training and Communications

I have so appreciated how Anna has taken the lead on our DOS Virtual Coffee Hours and inviting others to contribute to the topics. I felt so seen when I suggested a topic for an upcoming coffee hour and she invited me to co-host with her. It was so much fun discussing Brene’ Brown’s podcast, “Unlocking Us” together! Thank you so much, Anna! -Alison Templeman


Paige Farst, Faith Aiken, and Susie Woodard
Housing and Residential Experience


I nominate Paige Farst, Faith Aiken, and Susie Woodard as DOS Virtual Superstars. They are the first people to receive phone calls or emails from students, parents, and families seeking answers regarding all processes of the coronavirus pandemic – for all things housing as well as fielding general Vanderbilt questions. While we don’t always have answers, they listen, speak with compassion and empathy, and provide reassurance and confidence that Vanderbilt is making the best decisions based on current conditions. It is clear that they love what they do; they like the interactions with those engaged with our office, and are a supportive first point of contact for our office. The Office of Housing & Residential Experience is better because of the tireless and thankless work that they do. I want to recognize them and publicly appreciate their seen and unseen work. –Michael Jones

Alison Matarese, Ashley Ladyman, and Josh Miller.


This team has been tirelessly supporting all Housing Assignments and residential students nonstop during the pandemic. This includes endless hours answering emails, phone calls with parents, and Zoom meetings helping plan for the next decision. Supporting students right now is no easy task- especially while juggling changes, multiple deadlines, many scenarios, and of course – student needs. These three individual’s behind the scenes work is instrumental to get things done. Their attention to detail and work ethic should not go unnoticed. They deserve the highest praise and recognition! Cheers to them! – Paige Farst

DOS Facilities Team

The entire Facilities Staff has been working around the clock to get things ready for our students to return. This is a weird year and an even weirder summer and they are being pulled a million different directions. They have been so extremely helpful to me and the rest of our staff to get things done quickly, efficiently, and with a smile. They are invaluable to me. A specific example, John Hayes went ABOVE AND BEYOND for a family on Monday. Upon their arrival, there was an issue with the room. John calmed the family down, got them situated in a room (with AC!) to hang out in while he got the issue taken care of, and gave them drinks from his own fridge to enjoy while they waited. I am so unbelievably appreciative of them for their hard work and for always making my job easier. – Ashley Ladyman

Megan Raymond

Beginning this summer and extending into the Fall, Megan will be managing the content creation for the Student Care Network Instagram accounts, including the University Counseling Center, Center for Student Wellbeing, and Student Care Network accounts. We are so grateful to benefit from her visual and creative talents, and savvy social media skills! In addition, Megan has become an expert in Vanderbilt’s Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) policies and processes in order to take over the SHIP Appeals process and respond to a large influx of student inquiries. She has responded to hundreds of student emails this summer, and has done a wonderful job making sure our students’ concerns are resolved. My sincere gratitude goes out to Megan!

Carrie Johnson
Facilities Coordinator, Student Centers

Carrie is going above and beyond her current call of duties. From figuring out building logistics to creating circulation paths, being an amazing AmbassaDore’ and following the COVID guidelines. Carrie has been helpful in leading efforts in our department to successfully bring students back to campus! – Brooke Mcvey

Carrie has had to step into so many roles as we have prepared all of our facilities for classes, and preparations to make the buildings staff for the students to return. She has gone above and beyond in so many ways to make sure everything is taken care of and ready to go. Our team couldn’t have done it without her! – Jordan Hajacos

Mark Leners
Accountant, DOS Finance

As our HCM, Mark hires our EaV student employees.  This time around, Oracle has kicked out hire transactions for no explainable reason, and Mark has had to resubmit hires two and three times over the past couple weeks to try to get them in the system.  He has worked hard to try to get our student employees hired and I really appreciate his perseverance despite technical difficulties! – Sara Cope


Residential Experience Team

This years move in is very different and I know it took a ton of planning and is a very long week for Res Life! Kudoos to the entire team! So far the process has been smooth and parents are really happy with the process all things considered! – Jordan Farmer

Kyle Shadrick
Therapist, University Counseling Center

Not only did Kyle volunteer to engage in a 7pm to 9pm trainings on suicide prevention skills (MAPS) with Heather Boyd, he seamlessly completed the training during a power outage with quick change of resources to be able to participate without his computer. In addition, Kyle has been able to successfully continue the Continuum Workshop at the UCC over the summer ensuring support for our students who identify as LGBQTI+. His workshop has been able to  navigate legal licensure restrictions and cross state lines to ensure students can be served in support during this time. He is an asset to the UCC. – Melissa Porter

Kelly Murphy
Graduate Assistant, Arts & Campus Events

Kelly MurphyKelly has been an absolutely rockstar this semester going above and beyond her regular duties as a Graduate Assistant. She has put so much time into navigating our new way of programming and dealing with all of the unexpected obstacles thrown at us, and doing it all with a positive attitude! She is the best co-advisor and I’m so thankful to have her as part of our ACE team! – Lindsey Fuller



Lindsey Fuller
Program Coordinator, Arts & Campus Events

Lindsey Fuller

Since the beginning of school starting Lindsey has been very busy with planning safe and exciting events for our students. Just recently she successfully planned an amazing VandyFest, a week full of programming in place of our annual homecoming celebration.  The week was packed with amazing events including an outdoor movie showing the movie Shrek and the highlight of the week Apps with Antoni Porowski from the show Queer Eye. Lindsey also provided the outstanding senior judges with meals that were delivered to their homes so that they wouldn’t miss a meal during the interviews. This is why I think we should highlight Lindsey Fuller as a DOS Superstar! – Dwayne Elliott

Danielle Recco
Graduate Assistant, Student Centers/Events at Vanderbilt

Danielle ReccoDanielle is a 2nd year GA for Events at Vanderbilt, and she has taken on added responsibilities flawlessly this semester as we’ve been short professional staff. She co-supervises the Sarratt|Rand student employees, conducting 1-on-1s and mentoring them. She advises SEAB, our Student Employee Advisory Board, to plan professional development for our student staff. She updates our website, creates training modules in Brightspace, organizes All Staff Meetings, and keeps us all connected through Slack channels. She executes on ideas beautifully and thrives in her positions of leadership on our team. We are so lucky to have her! – Sara Cope and Angela Covington

Emma Rutter
Event Manager, Student Centers

Emma goes above and beyond in every capacity. During this time she has especially stepped up and into any role asked and needed of her! She is always helping her clients, team members, and students. Our team would simply not be the same without her and all her hard work and dedication! -Jordan Hajacos

Emma is always all in! Whenever and wherever she is needed she jumps in to help. She is an absolute Rockstar and gives her all with whatever job she is given. –Brooke Mcvey

Emma is definitely a star! She’s wonderful at her job, works really hard to make clients happy and she’s an incredible friend. If anyone deserves to be recognized, it’s her. –Carrie Johnson

The kindest hearted individual, always very diligent and intentional in her work from building and nurturing relationships with our student staff to being one of the key pillars to our success as a team. To know her is to love her! –Kelah White

Destiny Savage
Assistant Director, Greek Life

Destiny is one of the most thoughtful, passionate, and hardworking members in the Greek Life office. She continually goes above and beyond to support not only our students, but other members within the OGL office and the DOS community. Above all of the work Destiny does at Vanderbilt she is consistently sought after for advice by members of the Greek community far and wide. During her time working at home Destiny has worked to provide spaces for those she works with centered around mental health, always ending meetings and conversations with, “how are you doing and how can I support you?” She is a wonderful boss and friend, and she deserves some spotlight! – Sammi Hise

Megan Raymond, Val Lorusso, Rachel Winston
Angel Tree Project

I want to give a shout out to Megan Raymond, and Val Lorusso, and Rachel Winston. They came together to help fulfil the needs of the Angel Tree project for Vanderbilt Student Government. Because of their team work, VSG is able to continue their tradition of supporting the Angel Tree project, providing gifts to kids in our community, in spite of the restrictions placed on all of us due to the pandemic. This team overcame obstacles, including shipping delays and other logistical issues, to complete this request in a matter of hours. Rachel, Val, and Megan – I am completely in awe of your expertise as you work to ensure Vanderbilt students are able to serve the Nashville community! – Mindy Ireland

Heath Garton and the Housing Facilities Team, The Flip

I would like to recognize Heath Garton and his team for all their hard work to coordinate and manage the first-year student flip. Heath and his team worked incredibly hard to ensure that the belongings of over 1,300 first-year students were successfully moved from their fall housing assignment to storage in their spring building. He worked many long hours, and did a considerable amount of troubleshooting and problem solving to ensure this process was successful. – Alison Matarese


Heath Garton
Interim Director, Housing Facilities

Heath Garton

Heath Garton has done some amazing work in Housing since becoming Assistant Director of Facilities and for stepping up to all the challenges during COVID along with acting as the Director of Facilities in Housing since the retirement of Ann Nielsen. Heath has worked countless hours to help keep everything running smoothly. He has spent what seems like day and night planning for the FLIP and coordinating so many aspects of the move. His relentless efforts to pursue high quality results have not gone unnoticed. Thanks, Heath!


Alison Templeman
Program Coordinator, Greek Life

Alison Templeman

Alison is a devoted member of the Office of Greek Life and the Vanderbilt and DOS community. In each and every moment Alison seeks to provide love, encouragement, and support to each staff, student, and Vanderbilt community member that she comes into contact with. She is both fun and driven in each activity that she’s presented with, and she continues to take things in stride during this pandemic. Alison you are so loved and I am so thankful I get the opportunity to work with you! -Sammi Hise


Kerrie Turney
Area Coordinator, Branscomb Quad & Blakemore House

Kerrie TurneyKerrie always goes above and beyond her call of duty. She works very hard to make sure every student, whether they are on campus or going to quarantine, has the best experience. She is also a team player who often puts others before herself. She deserves all the praise for being an outstanding team member of the OHARE staff! -Jenna Tuccio




Katherine Drotos Cuthbert
Student Wellbeing Coordinator, Center for Student Wellbeing

Katherine Drotos Cuthbert

Katherine is a shining beacon of positivity, kindness, and hard work. Her dedication to serving students, in particular those in Vanderbilt Recovery Support, is awe inspiriting. Helping others is the core of her nature, deeply embedded into her DNA. Even in the midst of the pandemic, Katherine consistently advocates for and works tirelessly to ensure her students are safe, healthy, and thriving. – Jason Steinas




Leslie Lemus
Area Coordinator – Warren and Moore
Residential Experience

Leslie Lemus

Leslie Lemus is not just a DOS Virtual Superstar is a real life one too. At every turn, the creativity and attention to detail with which she puts into projects and committees is next level awesome. I appreciate and value every day that I get to work with her. OHARE and the students in Warren & Moore are very lucky every day to have her – Kerrie Turney




Samantha York
Academic Skills Coach, Center for Student Wellbeing

Samantha YorkWhat can one say about Samantha York? By far, Samantha is one of the most intellectually-gifted individuals in DOS, but what makes her truly remarkable is that her brainpower is impeccably counterbalanced by a massive heart. Samantha seamlessly provides her students with the best care and resources. Moreover, she is continuously seeking and cultivating new relationships within Vanderbilt, all with the intended purpose of providing first-class support to students. – Jason Steinas


Jason Steinas
Student Wellbeing Coordinator, Center for Student Wellbeing

Jason Steinas is the epitome of a seeker after knowledge. Always a continuous learner, he completed his doctoral degree from USC this summer. He uses his educational focus on equity and inclusion to create a welcoming space for all students. This is observed in his work with the Peer Guide program, which he created and developed. His meticulous nature serves him well in this role, as he trains peer guides to become peer coaches. – Katherine Drotos Cuthbert


Lauren Siegel, Graduate Assistant, DOS Training and Communications

Lauren is an incredibly hard worker, who is meticulous in her attention to detail. She is creative and willing to learn how to tackle new projects. She has been behind all the staff award videos for the past 2 years, helping to celebrate our graduating graduate assistants, service award recipients, and annual award winners. The past 2 months, she has been working tirelessly to manage the recruitment process for the DOS and Provost graduate assistants. She has communicated detailed steps and action items to managers, and responded to many prospective student inquiries. Lauren is friendly, professional, and can always be relied on to get things done in a timely manner. I am so lucky to have her on my team—she has been a joy to work with! Thank you, Lauren, for your dedication to our staff and graduate students. – Anna Thomas

Brooke Ridley
Administrative Assistant II, DOS Central

Brooke Ridley

Brooke has been helping Mikey Pastrana and me get going as new administrative staff in the DOS central office, always willing to answer our questions or hop on a Zoom call to talk through processes. She manages the delegation of student purchase requests and is essential to the workflow of our office and student organizations. Brooke always brings a positive and helpful attitude! – Jolie Grace Wareham




Courtney Berry
Assistant Director, Housing and Residential Experience

Courtney works tirelessly to support all of OHARE. This past month, she has served as both an Assistant Director and interim Area Coordinator for Alumni Lawn, all while managing serval behind-the-scenes projects within the department. She leads with strategy, intent, and impeccable organization skills. We are so lucky to have her as a colleague!