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Office of Active Citizenship & Service July 2nd Update

Posted by on Thursday, June 28, 2018 in DOS News.

2018 VIEW Cohort Living and Learning in Washington, D.C.

The 13 members of the 2018 VIEW cohort have continued their exploration of careers in public service during the summer portion of the program. Each student is participating in an internship, meeting regularly with an alumni mentor, and attending educational tours and events during the months of June and July. Students in the VIEW cohort also meet weekly to reflect on and share their learning with one another.

Follow along with the 2018 VIEW cohort and hear from former alumni mentors by visiting the VIEW blog at

Photo caption: Vanderbilt students attend the Congressional Baseball Game for Charity June 14

OACS Ecuador Global Service Program

The OACS Ecuador Global Service Program is in its sixth and final week. The cohort has been engaging with a psychology clinic in the south of Quito doing community-engaged research in two teams on drug use and sexual health education practices among Ecuadorian adolescents. Students constructed and administered surveys gauging adolescents’ knowledge, gaps, and misconceptions about both drug use and sexual health education practices. These two topics are highly sensitive and culturally influenced, especially by the Shamanistic practices of the many indigenous peoples that live in the south of Quito. After analyzing the data from these surveys, the cohort developed culturally-sensitive brochures and presentations for the Ministry of Public Health and the clinic to administer in the schools and clinics. Students are spending their final days of the program in the public school nearby the clinic presenting to over 200 students in multiple classrooms.

To read more about the students’ individual reflections and insights and to see their photos, please visit the OACS Ecuador Global Service Program blog at

OACS Morocco Global Service Program

The OACS Global Service cohort based in Morocco is 2 weeks in to their work with human rights-based civil societies in the capital city of Rabat. In addition to a daily focus on capacity-building with partner organizations focused on education, health, and youth development, students are deepening their understanding of Moroccan history, culture, and systems through seminars with NGOs such as Amnesty International, through classes centered on the Darija language, and through building relationships with their homestay families.

Learn more about the students’ experiences through their weekly personal reflections on the OACS Morocco Global Service Blogsite.

Photo Caption: Morocco Cohort

Photo Caption: Morocco Cohort