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SLD 5/1 Updates

Posted by on Tuesday, May 1, 2018 in DOS News.


We are excited to announce of ASCEND 2018 Cohort! We have leaders from so many areas of campus and we cannot wait to experience this program along with them. Thank you to all those who sent in nominations for ASCEND, and if you see any of these students, congratulate them on this achievement!

DOS News: Student Leader of the Month

Dear Colleagues,

First off, we would like to thank all of you for the numerous contributions your offices have made to support our office and the aid you have given to make our programs a success. We could not have accomplished any of our goals without you!

As we address our goals for the next academic year, we have decided to discontinue our Student Leader of the Month Program and focus more on recognizing students through the Vanderbilt Awards for Leadership Excellence. We greatly appreciate the many of you who have contributed in the past to Student Leader of the Month, and hope to work with you in our future endeavors.

We look forward to sharing our new programs with you all and the Vanderbilt student body and are excited to expand the leadership skills of every student who comes into our office!

Thank you,

Student Leadership Development