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Women’s Center 04/02 Updates

Posted by on Sunday, April 1, 2018 in DOS News.

Managing Conflict with Assertiveness

Tuesday, April 3 | Noon–1:00 p.m. | Sarratt 216/220

Stephanie Dean, LPC-MHSP, CEAP, Assistant Manager, Work-Life Connections EAP

A lecture-based lunchtime program for faculty, staff, and graduate students, the Work-Life Workshops cover a blend of self-care and professional development topics such as navigating organizational politics, salary negotiation strategies, stress management, mindfulness, and more.

Gender, Work, and Money: A Series

Monday, April 9—Wednesday April 11 

Join the Women’s Center at a variety of events across campus to engage with the intersections of the topics of Gender, Work, and Money. Guest speakers, a salary negotiation workshop, consciousness raising on Equal Pay Day 2018, and a culminating lecture given by Kelly Ward, co-author of Academic Motherhood: How Faculty Manage Work and Family, make this series one you won’t want to miss!

Work, Family, and Life: Implications for Faculty Careers, with Kelly Ward

Wednesday, April 11 | 4:00 p.m. | Buttrick 102

Join the Women’s Center and the office for Inclusive Excellence as we welcome Kelly Ward, Vice Provost for Faculty Development and Recognition at Washington State University and co-author of Academic Motherhood: How Faculty Manage Work and Family, for a public lecture on April 11. Her talk, “Work, Family, and Life: Implications for Faculty Careers” will be the culminating event of the Women’s Center’s Gender, Work, and Money Series for 2018, and will be followed by a reception.