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Project Safe 4/2 Update

Posted by on Sunday, April 1, 2018 in DOS News.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Project Safe has a number of upcoming events in April for Sexual Assault Awareness Month. We encourage you to check out our Anchor Link page for events that you or your students might be interested in participating in or attending!

Supporting a Survivor for Staff and Faculty
Friday, April 6
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Sarratt 216/220
Staff and faculty are often interfacing with students who have experienced violence and trauma, and this workshop provides necessary information about the best ways we can support our students while maintaining your mandatory reporting obligations. Project Safe Center staff provide tips and strategies in a facilitated dialogue for those interested in learning how to better support those who have experienced intimate partner violence. Learn what appropriate and constructive support looks like in the immediate aftermath of an incident, in the weeks following an assault, and over time.

Prevention Procession and Survivor Speak Out
Thursday, April 12
8:00 PM – 9:30 PM
Alumni Hall 206 Reading Room
The Prevention Procession is a time to bring awareness to sexual assault, as well as a chance to show solidarity with survivors of sexual violence. All survivors, as well as any supporters are welcome to join. After the procession portion, survivors will have the opportunity to share their experiences and the impact violence has had on their lives. This is intended to be a safe space for all and Project Safe Staff will be on hand to support anyone who may need it. Please consider bringing your friends and members of your organization to hold a sign, show support, and bring awareness to Sexual Assault Survivors.