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Giving Back to the Vanderbilt Community

Posted by on Monday, November 13, 2017 in DOS News.

Bridget Ukawu, Program Coordinator in the Office of Conferences is giving back to the Vanderbilt Community one student at a time. Ukawu is a recent Vanderbilt graduate and is continuing to be a mentor to a handful of fortunate Vanderbilt students. Ukawu is an excellent role model while sharing her college experiences and helping her mentees navigate their way through their college life.

It is a wonderful learning and developmental partnership between the students and Bridget as she continues her work as a former Black Cultural Center AmbassaDore. She works hard to share the importance of “legacy” and work to highlight the historical narrative of the first black students at Vanderbilt, while helping undergrads forge their own unique place in the history of our fine institution.

It is important to give back and everyone needs a mentor that is excited to shares their vast wealth of experiences and encourage others to be the best person they can.

Ukawu oversee the Academic Intern Housing Program, which offers college student from all over the country summer housing accommodations for students engaged in internships in the Nashville area. Details are available at