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OACS Update

Posted by on Monday, January 2, 2017 in News Blurbs.

OACS Programming

OACS extends a warm thank you to all our DOS partners for helping advertise and develop our spring semester programs. Please read the following program descriptions to learn more about OACS’ work locally, nationally, and internationally.

MLK Weekend of Service

The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Weekend of Service is quickly approaching. Join students, staff, and faculty from across the university in a weekend of action and reflection as we honor the efforts and contributions of Dr. King in challenging the discourse on civil (dis)obedience and justice for all humankind. The Office of Active Citizenship and Service (OACS) invites you to develop projects that address specific community needs through intentional service, action, and justice.


Redefine consists of four seminars supervised by an expert OACS mentor in service-learning, community development and international student engagement. The seminars provide a foundation for academic exploration of service-learning from the perspectives of the community, the non-profit sector, the student and the university. Seminars are complemented by community service opportunities at the Nashville Food Project. International and American students are encouraged to sign-up, as OACS seeks to carefully create a diverse mix of students who will engage in cross-cultural dialogue and experiences centered on community development and social justice while forming friendships.

Cultivating Roots

Horace Mann deemed education “The Great Equalizer, the balance-wheel of the social machinery”. However, education still remains one of the most pressing concerns of local communities. OACS is looking for passionate and engaged students to be the first ever pilot cohort of our new local immersion program: Cultivating Roots. This semester-long program combines local community engagement with seminar topics that focus on access to equitable education in the Nashville community.

Global Service to London, Ecuador, South Africa and Morocco

OACS Service Programs challenge students to question their perspectives and roles in the shared human experience through pre-service curriculum, intensive service, post-service skills application, and continuous reflection. The programs are prudently planned in order to best facilitate students’ abilities to connect meaningfully with people different from themselves through humble engagement and reciprocal dialogues within host communities. Through this exposure to firsthand knowledge and lived experiences, students will examine the deeper issues related to equity and justice and identify systematic barriers to equality and inclusivity. Students with a sincere desire to grapple with the complexity of human connectedness, to challenge their known values, and to reconcile academic knowledge with an authentic exploration of social and environmental injustices are encouraged to apply for an OACS Service Program.


The Vanderbilt Internship Experience in Washington, D.C. (VIEW) program provides students with an opportunity to meaningfully explore careers in the public service sector in the dynamic setting of the United States’ capital. This eight-week program introduces students to the career opportunities in the public service sector, provides training and support for the summer internship application process, connects participants with the local alumni chapter for networking and mentorship, and facilitates a community experience of this fast-paced and exciting hub of public policy development. The VIEW program is facilitated by the Office of Active Citizenship and Service, in partnership with the Vanderbilt University Career Center.


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