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Congrats to December STARS!

Posted by on Monday, January 2, 2017 in News Blurbs.

A STARS card is about showing your fellow DOS staff that you noticed the work they do and you are taking a moment to thank them! One individual was recognized this month.

Randy Clark creating & coordination of transportation to grocery stores for students staying over the Thanksgiving break.
Sara Bickell for taking the initiative to create documents that will assist DoS administration to understand the administrative work and how the tasks flow with various job duties; for excellence and service in regards to the multiple documents coming into DoS Central for signatures, scanning and routing; for service to students and staff in multiple areas; for collaboration among co-workers to organize, train and meet deadlines regarding various work needs; and for assistance given cheerfully any time it is needed including for the DoS Chili Cook Off in December and during 2017 transitions with positions and jobs.
Dawn Midyett collaboration among co-workers to make work processes in the central office run smoothly; cheerfully taking on multiple projects and meeting deadlines; backing up important ARB processes as needed; and for assisting students (and staff) in an excellent manner.

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