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OACS Update

Posted by on Monday, October 31, 2016 in News Blurbs.

OACS Global Service-Learning Programs Accepting Applications

OACS is accepting student applications for our summer 2017 service-learning programs to Ecuador, London, Morocco, and South Africa. OACS Service Programs challenge students to question their perspectives and roles in the shared human experience through pre-service curriculum, intensive service, post-service skills application, and continuous reflection. The programs are prudently planned in order to best facilitate students’ abilities to connect meaningfully with people different from themselves through humble engagement and reciprocal dialogues within host communities. Through this exposure to firsthand knowledge and lived experiences, students will examine the deeper issues related to equity and justice and identify systematic barriers to equality and inclusivity. Students with a sincere desire to grapple with the complexity of human connectedness, to challenge their known values, and to reconcile academic knowledge with an authentic exploration of social and environmental injustices are encouraged to apply for an OACS Service Program. If you know of students who may be interested in applying, please direct them to the website.

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Redefine Accepting Applications

Redefine, a collaboration between OACS, ISSS, and the Nashville Food Project is now entering its third year. In Redefine, students will immerse themselves in the conceptualization of community service as it relates to U.S. communities and how or if the same ideas translate across cultures. Redefine exposes students to local community needs by partnering with the Nashville Food Project. Students will serve with a non-profit organization that is delivering real impact in Nashville through its mission of cultivating community and alleviating hunger. A central goal of Redefine is the development of friendships amongst people from different countries. Undergraduate and graduate students from all disciplines are encouraged to apply. If you know of students who may be interested in applying, please direct them to the website.


Visions Skills Development Sessions

OACS is proud to lead 22 Visions Skills Development Sessions for our first year students. These sessions, on Civic Engagement and Ethical Service will occur through October and involve approximately 330 students. We thank all our faculty and student VUCeptor partners for selecting OACS to participate in this important program.

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10th Anniversary Celebration Reception of the Nichols Humanitarian Fund

Alumni, faculty, staff, and community members gathered to celebrate ten years of global humanitarian efforts supported by the Nichols Humanitarian Fund on Thursday, Oct. 20. Vice Provost for Learning and Residential Affairs Cynthia Cyrus offered welcoming remarks; student recipients Caleb Hayes, Rachel Z. Johnson, and Kelly Perry shared about their service experiences; alumni recipient Dr. Ravi Patel reflected on how his experience influenced his personal and professional development; and Dean Vanessa Beasley led the attendees in recognizing and appreciating the vision and commitment of Mr. and Mrs. Nichols to cultivating a culture of service at Vanderbilt University. Mrs. Janice Nichols, co-founder of the Fund, closed the reception with an inspiring presentation reminding those in attendance about the importance and impact of humble service in our communities. OACS would like to thank Christina Bailey and Dean Beasley of The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons, Dr. Cynthia Cyrus, the Office of the Dean of Students, and the alumni, faculty and administrators who sent messages of support and gratitude.

The Nichols Humanitarian Fund enables students to volunteer for domestic or international humanitarian service opportunities by making support available for educational, travel, and living expenses during their time of service. Award applications are open until Nov. 15 by visiting


OACS Hosts 1st Annual Alumni Reception

On Friday, October 21st, OACS welcomed home Vanderbilt alumni in a celebration of the enduring Commodore culture of service at the inaugural Homecoming Alumni Reception. Alumni and students of the OACS family who contributed to community engagement and active citizenship at Vanderbilt through participation in service organizations or OACS programs enjoyed food and fellowship at the annual event, while student organizations volunteered their time to update alumni on the ways in which their groups were engaging with communities here in Nashville and around the globe. Through initiatives like the Alumni Reception, OACS hopes to strengthen the connection with alumni whose Vanderbilt careers led to professional careers influenced by service, activism and advocacy. A huge thanks to everyone who came out!


Save the Date for the DOS Holiday Service Project

OACS invites DOS partners and staff to join us on December 20th in the sixth annual DOS Holiday Service Project! In partnership with the Vanderbilt Medical Center’s Volunteer Services Department, DOS staff annually help assemble and wrap gifts for each patient staying at the Medical Center over the holidays. In the first three years of the project, over 1,500 fleece blankets with carrying straps were distributed to patients at the Main Hospital and the Psychiatric Hospital. More information and the link to RSVP coming soon!


2016 OACS Global Service Symposium

Vanderbilt students, faculty, and staff are invited to the first annual OACS Global Service Symposium on Tuesday, November 8th from 3:30-5:30pm in Alumni Hall 100. Students from the 2016 OACS Global Service cohorts will present Global Capstone Projects from their 6-week summer engagements with community partners in Rabat, Morocco; Port Elizabeth, South Africa; London, England and Quito, Ecuador, where they studied inequities and systemic injustice within the context of issues such as human rights, education, public health, and community development through direct service and capacity-building initiatives. Join us to hear about the incredible work of our transnational grassroots partners, to gain a greater understanding of the students’ roles within each organization, and to learn about the ways in which our students are engaging in similar justice-oriented issues locally. For students applying for the 2017 Global Service Programs, the Global Service Symposium is a great way to learn more about the programs from past participants.

OACS encourages all prospective applicants to attend!

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