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Cultural Appropriation: Homage or Insult?

Posted by on Monday, October 31, 2016 in News Blurbs.

IICC will be having its monthly Talk About It Thursday Professional Development session on Thursday November 3rd in Sarratt 216/220 from 12-1:30pm. The session is entitled Cultural Appropriation: Homage or Insult?  and will be led by Greg Fontus, Program Coordinator in the IICC Office. With the growing diversity in America, someone picking up on the dialect, customs, and religious traditions of surrounding cultural groups can occur in an instant. This has often resulted in a debate surrounding the difference between cultural appropriation and the appreciation of a culture different from your own. This session will focus on developing an understanding of what cultural appropriation is in and how we can avoid behaviors that can be damaging to groups outside of our own.

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