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OACS Update

Posted by on Wednesday, September 14, 2016 in News Blurbs.

Student Service Organization Fair

50 organizations and 446 attendees participated in the annual OACS Student Service Organization Fair on Sept. 7. Student leaders shared about opportunities to learn from and serve with our local community around such themes as education, the arts, healthy living, development, and advocacy. Meredith McKay with the Davidson County Election Commission was also present to answer students’ questions about registering to vote. OACS would like to thank everyone who helped to make the service fair a success!

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Constitution Week

Constitution Day is observed each year on September 17 (or the closest weekday to that date) to commemorate the signing of the Constitution on September 17, 1787, and “recognize all who, by coming of age or by naturalization, have become citizens.” Vanderbilt University will once again observe Constitution Day with a week of engaging panel discussions, performances, voter registration drives, and more during the week of Sept. 12 – 16.

On Thursday, Sept. 15, OACS is hosting a guest lecture entitled “A Living Constitution?” Guest speaker Dr. Carrie Russell will discuss the role of the Constitution in the U.S. federal government and the amendment process in securing rights and liberties. This event will be held at 3:30 PM in Rand 308. My Vanderbilt Experience eligible.

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Gamma Sigma Sigma Webinar

Erika Larson had the opportunity to present in a webinar for Gamma Sigma Sigma. Her presentation was entitled “Meaningful Service: Finding Your Chapter’s Purpose” and she facilitated members through the five essential components of meaningful service projects. She also suggested activities to ensure that community voice is heard and community need is met, while engaging members in critical conversations about the root causes of issues of injustice in our communities.

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Fall Weekend of Service

OACS would like to extend a warm and sincere thank you to everyone who participated in or helped to advertise the Fall Weekend of Service. With 18 projects, 22 student organizations and over 100 students participating, the Fall Weekend of Service successfully engaged students in analyzing the roots of social injustices such as poverty, hunger and homelessness, environmental and animal welfare, youth education disparities, and health access and education. We look forward to our students’ continued reflections on their experiences and the many ways in which these experiences may fuel their learning in the classroom and beyond. Again, thank you so much for your involvement.

International Day of Peace

In honor of the International Day of Peace, Vanderbilt International Relations Association, with support from OACS, the Commons, and Linda Ragsdale, founding artist of The Peace Dragon, will be sponsoring Peace of Mind: A Panel Discussion on World Peace, taking place from 7-8:30 PM on Wednesday, September 21st in Furman 114. The panel, featuring Dr. Clive Mentzel and speakers from South Asian Cultural Exchange, Muslim Students Association, Vanderbilt Association of Hispanic Students, and Vanderbilt Hillel, will focus on ways to foster the ideals of peace, prosperity, and cooperation from both a regional and global perspective.

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