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Homepage Slider Photo Submissions

Posted by on Friday, September 30, 2016 in News Blurbs.

Submit your photos for use on the DOS Homepage! Staffers who wish to submit photos for consideration for inclusion on the dean of students homepage “slider” may send them to

  • Photos must be horizontal in orientation.
  • Photos should be candid rather than posed (although there could be exceptions).
  • Photos should depict scenes related to the Dean of Students office or one if its components.
  • Photos should be timely.
  • When you send me an email letting me know that you have uploaded a photo, you should include brief text to accompany it. And, if there is a website that deals with the subject of the photo, include the link.


Note: The photo slide display does not allow for much manipulation to reposition the photos, so we may not be able to use even some very good photos if WordPress mangles them in some way. Also, text may cover key portions of the image such that it doesn’t make much sense to use the photo/text.

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