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EVOLVE 2016 Roster Selection

Posted by on Wednesday, September 14, 2016 in News Blurbs.

EVOLVE 2016 kicked off on Sunday, September 4th in the Student Life Center with 37 students. Our EVOLVE group is composed of  17 students native to Vanderbilt and 20 students who are members of our incoming transfer class. These students will participate in 6 educational sessions during Fall 2016 focused on the core competencies of the Leadership Excellence Philosophy Statement or ACCESS, and will complete the program by creating and delivering a personal Leadership Action Plan in the form of a Pecha Kucha (20 slides x 20 seconds each) on October 19th.  We spent time during the retreat breaking the ice, discussing leadership, setting group norms, developing an awareness and understanding of our Strengths through Gallup’s StrengthQuest, and engaging in a new feature of our program which is leadership coaching. Each member of the Student Leadership Development team will work closely with a group of 12-13 students as their Leadership Coach. Coaching can take place 1:1 and in a small group format. The first educational session on Collaboration took place on Wednesday and was facilitated by LT John Underhill and CDR Sam Brasfield of Vanderbilt’s Navy ROTC.  EVOLVE is a personal leader development program and we’re looking forward to helping our EVOLVErs learn more about their leader identity and how that can apply all that they learn to creating positive change on and off campus. Thank you to all of you who nominated students for this program! If you see one of your nominees below, please take time to congratulate them on being a part of EVOLVE.


Agatha Fenech ● Allison Witte ● Bailey Lowe  ● Bryce Beddard ● Brynna Hall ●  Carissa Bell  Catherine Kim ● Christina Onuoha ● Claire Barton ●  Connor Morency ● Courtney Bair ● Dave Castro ●  Dylan Kornfeld ● Emily Lee ● Farah Arif ● Hannah Rosen ● Janna Adelstein ● Julia Mancini●  Kathryn Segner ● Kelsey Auman ● Kencell Nixon ● Kendall Bernard ● Lucija Tacer
Lydia Smith ● Maddie Phelan ● Madeline Allen ●  Mathena Morrissey ● Molly O’Connor ● Natalie Singer ● Nedha Kinnare ● Olivia Jensen ● Olivia Lampley ● Reilly Goyne ● Siobhan Boroian
Tariq Issa ● Whitney Beach ● Youjia Wang


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