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VIEW (Vanderbilt Internship Experience in Washington)

Posted by on Friday, August 12, 2016 in News Blurbs.

The Vanderbilt Internship Experience in Washington, D.C. (VIEW) program commemorated a successful 11th year with a closing celebration with alumni mentors on Thursday, July 28. Cohort member Allee Smith was nominated by her peers to share a reflection about the VIEW experience, and to share thanks on behalf of the cohort to the wonderful group of alumni mentors who supported the students’ VIEW experience. Program Coordinator Meagan Smith shared about the role of celebration in cultivating a community of active citizens and encouraged participants to take the opportunity to express their gratitude to those who had invested in their journeys. A few mentors shared about what they learned from their students and how much they enjoyed being part of the VIEW program.

Read more about the VIEW program and the students’ experiences at



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