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Thank You to spark*session Participants

Posted by on Friday, August 12, 2016 in News Blurbs.

Student Leadership Development would like to extend a huge thank you to the 40 staff members from 16 different areas who attended spark*sessions during Summer ’16. We featured five excellent texts that we hope sparked some new thoughts that will help you reframe elements of your personal and professional life.

If you missed a session and would like the information, please email Krystal at

If you’re interested in serving as a facilitator of a spark*session, please let us know. During fall and spring, we want to open the space for guest facilitators. Our office will take care of costs and logistics. If there’s a text that you feel staff members would benefit from and you’re looking for a way to practice your facilitation and presentation skills, then send us an email at

We’re also open to feedback, so please let us know how you felt about the experience. We’d love to hear from you as we’re always working to improve our programs.

Thank you again! We appreciate your participation and support. Hope this knowledge is helpful as we roll into the school year.


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