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OACS Service Leaders Conference

Posted by on Friday, August 12, 2016 in News Blurbs.

With the 2016 Service Leaders Conference approaching on August 22nd, OACS is excited for the opportunity to reflect and prepare together with service leaders a renewed focus on ethical community engagement. The Service Leaders Conference will provide officers in the 75 service organizations advised by OACS with the tools and resources that they need to lead their organizations effectively in the upcoming school year. During the conference, OACS will cover topics such as eDOG training, OACS resources for service (vehicle, Pcard, and space reservations), service organization policy review (fundraising, AcFee, marketing, recruitment), an overview of service-learning pedagogy, and protection of minors training. The conference will also be an excellent opportunity for student leaders from organizations which focus on related issue areas to network. OACS looks forward to another successful year of community engagement through direct service and issue awareness, and we appreciate our students’ leadership and commitment to providing their Vanderbilt peers with opportunities to engage with local, national and international communities!


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