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DOS Assessment Professional Development Opportunities – Save the Date

Posted by on Wednesday, August 31, 2016 in News Blurbs.

The Office of Assessment and Special Projects is offering two upcoming professional development opportunities.  If you are new to DOS this is highly encouraged, but anyone who is interested in a refresher is welcome to attend!

Assessment 101 – Wednesday, September 21 from 2-3pm in Sarratt 325/327

This session will focus on higher education assessment, how to measure student learning, and provide an introduction to Baseline, the official surveying software utilized in DOS.


AnchorLink Overview – Thursday, September 22 from 2-3pm in Sarratt 325/327

This session will provide an introduction to AnchorLink, Vanderbilt’s campus engagement platform.  Attendees will learn how a student can use AnchorLink to register a student organization, create an event, and participate in My Vanderbilt Experience and/or Greek Member Experience.  Attendees will also learn about administrative features so that they can approve events, manage rosters, etc.


Please let Laura Walaszek Dermody know if you have any questions, and thanks for attending!

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