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ASCEND Moves to Student Leadership Development

Posted by on Wednesday, August 31, 2016 in News Blurbs.

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ASCEND has moved to Student Leadership Development and we are looking forward to working alongside a new group of 15 student leaders across Vanderbilt’s campus to research and discuss relevant themes in effort to create social change within Vanderbilt’s campus culture. Congrats Mary Casey, Samantha Long, Kathryn Speckels, Elizabeth Winter, Olivia Solow-Niederman, Alison Andrade, Derek Brody, Madison Maderious, Simone Charley, Zachary Kleiman, Kenya Wright, Andrew Brodsky, Briana Francois, Robert Travis, and Linh Le!

One critical learning component of ASCEND is the end of semester Capstone Project. This experience will allow students to take action toward campus change through the creation of an initiative, program, resource, or event to address one part(s) of a campus issue. This year’s students will research the following: creative ways to address substance abuse issues, resilience and coping skills, constructive activism, and cultivating meaningful leadership experiences. These 15 students will be reaching out to your offices between October 4th and November 1st to learn more about their respective topic and inquire about practical opportunities to create change around these issues. Thank you in advance for supporting our students!

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