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Let’s Talk about Sex, DOS!

Posted by on Monday, February 29, 2016 in archives.

The Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center will be offering a professional development opportunity for DOS staff over Spring Break modeled after our Let’s Talk About Sex, Vandy program.

At the workshop, you will:

  • Gain basic knowledge of birth control options, STIs, barrier methods, and lubricant in order to more effectively serve as a resource for students.
  • Learn best practices to utilize when talking to students about issues of sexual health.
  • Practice using the “PARSE” tool when answering difficult questions.
  • Have the opportunity to ask anonymous questions related to sexual health and navigating conversations on sexual health with students.

Thursday, March 10th

2:00 PM-3:00 PM

Sarratt 325/327

Please sign up on Anchor Link:

Questions?  Email Alex Hollifield: