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Katherine Drotos Cuthbert named to NASPA board

Posted by on Monday, February 15, 2016 in archives.

Katherine Drotos Cuthbert has been named the NASPA Region III Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Knowledge Community (KC) Chair for the term, 2016-2018.  The Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Knowledge Community provides an institutionalized and ongoing structure within NASPA to discuss issues around alcohol and other drugs on our campuses. Through the sharing of ideas/programs/results, the support of discussions of both successful and problematic practices, and the organization/planning of activities and events at regional and national meetings, the AOD Knowledge Community serves as a resource for both members of NASPA and other AOD groups that are addressing this ever-present issue in our respective college environments.

In her role as chair, Katherine will have opportunity to engage in many areas related to promoting the AOD Knowledge Community.

  • Represent NASPA Region III on the Alcohol & Other Drug Knowledge Community, which includes maintaining regular communication with the National KC chair.
  • Develop goals annually for Region III that support the overall goals of the Alcohol & Other Drug KC and submit these goals to national chair.
  • Serve at the direction of the Regional Director and serve as an advocate for Alcohol & Other Drug Issues in the region.
  • Represent the Alcohol & Other Drug KC at Regional Advisory Board meetings by providing activity reports to the National Chair, Regional Director and members of the Knowledge Community.

Congratulations to Katherine!