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Teach-In by Dr. Clive Mentzel on South African Campuses in Colour

Posted by on Thursday, January 14, 2016 in archives.

Monday, January 18th 1:15-2:30, Divinity School Reading Room

South African Campuses in Colour

This teach-in will focus on racial issues on South African Campuses, the dynamics between students of varying color, symbolism and reality, what real transformation means and how South African students mobilize to make transformation a reality after centuries of apartheid.  The session will utilize real-life case studies and reflection on current events in academic settings to delve into comparative social change in a country ravaged and traumatized by the ongoing effects of centuries of discriminatory practices in comparable institutional settings.  The primary objective of this session is to provide greater understanding of the experiences of black students to perhaps improve the university goal of a more inclusive campus culture.