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“Talk About It Thursdays”

Posted by on Thursday, January 28, 2016 in archives.

The IICC “Talk About It Thursdays!” Professional Development Series is a monthly brown bag lunch professional development educational series that creates an opportunity for the Office of the Dean of Students to engage and explore strategic areas around diversity, inclusion, social justice, and cultural competence. This program will help staff leverage the impact of personal storytelling to develop a broad and comprehensive understanding of ways in which they can assist in creating a welcoming, inclusive, and equitable campus for all.

Our first session: Beginning the Conversation will be Thursday, February 4, 2016, 12pm – 1:30pm in Sarratt 325/327.  This session will focus on the importance of setting dialogue norms and expectations. Participants will also explore the barriers that prevent one from being able to engage in the conversation of diversity, equity, and inclusion and gain practical tools on how to begin to engage in a conversation about race, equity, and social justice.

More information on the IICC can be found at