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OACS Recruiting Site Leader, Ecuador Project 2016

Posted by on Friday, November 13, 2015 in archives.

OACS is recruiting one site leader to lead the Ecuador Project 2016.  The program will cover all costs, including flight and living expenses. This position is open to staff members or graduate students. Graduate students serving in this role will receive a small stipend.

Site Leaders will have the opportunity to serve as a program on-site coordinator for 8 to 12 undergraduate and/or graduate students throughout a month-long international service-learning program based in the capital city of Quito. They will also be able volunteer at service site(s) related to their personal and professional interests in and around Quito during the week and on weekends experience the incredible diversity of Ecuador’s landscapes and cultures through enrichment activities alongside the student cohort.

Duties and Responsibilities:

The site leader is expected to demonstrate and encourage responsible behavior and abide by the Vanderbilt Student Code of Conduct.

  1. Spring Semester Responsibilities
  • Participation in the planning and facilitation of the spring seminar courses.
    • Communicate with students related to all preparatory materials, including required readings or videos.
    • Attend and lead 7-8 seminar sessions.
  • Attend four additional site leader trainings.
  • Facilitate a reflection & review session in late April prior to departure.
  • Work with OACS staff to ensure that learning outcomes are being met.
  • Work with Yanapuma to confirm logistics for travel and housing.
  • Meet 1:1 with each participant and assist in their service placements.

  1. On Site Responsibilities
  • Coordinate and ensure that all participants arrive and leave as a group.
  • Remain on-call 24/7.
  • Hold Skype meetings with OACS staff upon arrival, departure, and weekly.
  • The Site Leader is responsible for the wellbeing of the group and serves as a main point of contact for parents and Vanderbilt staff while in Ecuador.
  • The Site Leader is responsible for fully understanding OACS Risk Management policies and for executing Emergency Procedures as outlined should the need arise.
  • The Site Leader is responsible for maintaining close communication with service site contacts and program participants.
  • Hold structured reflections sessions at least once each week (Work with OACS staff to prepare for these sessions prior to leaving for Ecuador).
  • Hold the students accountable for reflection requirements, including maintaining a personal journal, submitting weekly blog entries, and creating an action plan.
  • Arrange site visits at least twice during the program to check in on the students at their service sites.
  • Coordinate weekend excursions for the group.
  • Arrange group dinners once each week.
  • Arrange weekly individual check-ins with students during the program.
  • Maintain the Ecuador blogsite.
  • Collect photos and video footage for OACS use.
  1. Data Collection

  • The Site Leader will distribute and collect all assessment and evaluation materials.
    • Both the pre and post assessment.
  • The Site Leader will assist with the post-program data collection and report writing.
  • The Site Leader will attend the Global Reflection Dinner.

Preference will be given to applicants that demonstrate the following:

Spanish fluency

Experience or knowledge of South America, in particular Ecuador

Experience leading group projects or group service trips

Experience facilitating challenging student conversations and reflection.

Please contact if interested!