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New Policies Governing Co-Sponsorships and Solicitations for Programmatic Funding

Posted by on Friday, November 13, 2015 in archives.

Please see the new policies governing co-sponsorships and solicitations for programmatic funding below.  These policies are effective immediately.  For more information or clarification, please contact your associate dean, assistant dean, senior director or financial officer.

Co-sponsorships between DOS departments

Collaboration will always be encouraged between all DOS departments, but we will no longer transfer funding between DOS centers. Effective immediately, co-sponsorships (funding) will not be transferred between DOS departments.

All DOS centers roll together into one division, and moving funding between our centers does not create more funds for our Division.

If there is a need for additional funds for a program, a request should go to the appropriate Associate Dean and forwarded on for approval by the Dean.

Again, collaboration between departments is very important.  Please continue to sponsor other areas in ways besides funding (i.e.: jointly funding programs, staff support, location support, designing flyers, etc.)

Student organization requests for DOS co-sponsorships

Co-sponsorships will continue between DOS and Student Organizations.  In general, student organizations seeking additional funding should be directed to apply for co-sponsorship by completing the DOS Anchor Link Form

Solicitations of other Provost areas for funding support

Effective immediately, DOS departments should no longer send mass communication requests for co-sponsorship to departments within Academic Affairs (areas that roll up to the Provost).

If departments need additional support for programming, these needs should be discussed during the annual budget process.   Unforeseen opportunities or needs that occur during the year should be discussed with the appropriate Associate Dean to determine if DOS Central funding is available.