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OACS Recap of Recent Events

Posted by on Friday, October 30, 2015 in archives.

East House Conversation on Service

Erika Larson and Dr. Clive Mentzel joined Faculty Head of House Prof. Cindy Gadd and a dozen East House students for dinner last Sunday evening to talk about service, service learning and the local and global service opportunities available to students on campus. Three students who had participated in the service learning experience in South Africa were also present, and they had the opportunity to talk about their experiences and answer questions.

OACS and Greek Life Partnership

As part of Greek Week Day of Service, Lauren Moon led Greek Fellows in a reflection facilitation training and gave an introduction on the importance of service to all Greek Day of Service participants. Additionally, OACS is excited to be an ongoing resource for chapter Community Service Chairs and to be leading an upcoming session on “Citizenship” for the Greek Emerging Leaders program.