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Alcohol & Social Responsibility Training Report

Posted by on Monday, September 14, 2015 in archives.

The Office of Greek Life had 979 students attend Alcohol & Social Responsibility Training on Monday, 9/7 – definitely more than we had anticipated (or had chairs for)!!  We educated many more students than we have in the past because of the change in making this an eligibility requirement and not just a program for Greek new members.

We could not have done it without the staff, graduate students and student facilitators.   Kerrie Turney, James, Anthony and Kristin were the lead facilitators in each room.  We had 9 graduate students/professional staff members ( Lori Murphy, Courtney Kelly, Katy Lucci, Sarah Watson, Laura Little, Laura Kalb, Chelsea Flieger, Sara Muren and Kendall Hook) and 27 student facilitators.    Morgan and the SLC staff were very helpful and accommodating to make it happen. Thank you!

Hustler article: