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Student Leader of the Month

Posted by on Monday, August 31, 2015 in archives.

DOS Community,

The Office of Student Leadership Development is pleased to announce the Student Leader of The Month. This new initiative will recognize a Vanderbilt Student Leader every month for their leadership, service, and commitment to our community.  Every month we will reach out to a DOS office to select a student in their area meets the criteria for this recognition.  Please read the details below for more information.  Any questions may be addressed to Wil De Los Santos at

Student Leader of The Month

Brief Description

Every month the Office of Student Leadership Development will recognize a student leader who demonstrates exemplary leadership skills by actively engaging in meaningful work that consistently fosters lifelong learning, personal development, community building and other activities that benefit the Vanderbilt community.


  • Student must be actively involved with a student organization or contributing to the completion of departmental goal(s).
  • Student must be in good academic and disciplinary standing
  • Student’s behavior is reflective of our Leadership Excellence Philosophy Statement (LEPS)

How will the student be recognized?

The Student Leader of The Month will receive a congratulatory email with specific instructions to complete a questionnaire about their leadership experience.  Their responses will be featured on the SLD website and social media.  We will also ask that you highlight SLOTM on your social media outlets and listservs. All SLOTMs will be invited to attend the Magnolia Student Leadership & Service Awards.

How will the Student Leader of The Month be selected?

Every month a DOS partner will be asked to nominate a student in their area who best exhibits the qualities of this award.  One partner will be selected for every month during the Fall and Spring semester.   Offices will be asked to submit the students’ name, contact information, a picture of the student in action (if available), and a brief description as to why this student is deserving of this honor including which aspect(s) of the LEPS this student demonstrates as a leader.

Why was the SLOTM created?

Vanderbilt students are constantly engaged in positive activities and we want to generate ongoing recognition efforts that highlight the extraordinary work that our student leaders do on behalf of the Vanderbilt community.  Our office has a goal to share the good news of Vanderbilt student leaders. We hope that you’ll help us in this effort.