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OACS Assessment Results and Upcoming Events

Posted by on Monday, August 17, 2015 in archives.

Assessment Results for Spring/Summer Programming
The preliminary assessment results are in for recent OACS programming. The Redefine, VIEW, London, South Africa, Morocco, and Ecuador Programs have clearly demonstrated the extraordinary impact that service to the community makes on the lives of our students. OACS staff would like to again thank all our DOS partners for helping to make these programs successful.

When assessing their experiences:
90% of students surveyed feel “personally transformed by the impact” of the program
94% of students surveyed feel “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with the program

Sample student responses:
The work was the best part of the trip. Working with an agency actively involved in empowering the community fueled me. Getting the incredible opportunity to get an inside perspective of local and national policy was also really amazing. – London Participant

There was the perfect amount of intellectual analysis and actual service with the organizations themselves, resulting in what I felt to be real ‘global service learning’. – South Africa Participant

It was hard to adjust to a new culture and it was a challenge that I will never forget. It changed me and it was a rewarding challenge because I learned so much about immersing in different cultures and lifestyles. – Morocco Participant

Upcoming Events
Service Leaders Conference – Sunday, August 23rd 1:00-5:00
Service Organization Fair – Tuesday, August 25th 4:00-6:00
Fall Weekend of Service – October 2nd-4th