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Student Response Training: July 29th

Posted by on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 in archives.

Please mark your calendars for Wednesday, July 29th at 10AM
Baseline has developed a new, free tool called Student Response.  Gold stars to Anthony Williams, Whitney Ezell and Clay McCullough for piloting this tool last year!  Student Response is similar to a “clicker” or PollEverywhere tool where users can vote in real time on a variety of quizzes or polls.  Results can be displayed to the group or kept privately.  It’s a really neat tool that can allow for some quick, interactive, formative assessments.  You can ask students at the beginning of a session a question like, “Have you ever applied for funding using the AcFee process?” and show the poll results in real time.
Our Baseline representative, Dan, will be leading a demonstration to show us how to use this tool and how other campuses have used it in the past.  All are welcome to attend, and Laura Walaszek Dermody will send out a separate email with more details regarding location.