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Revised DoS Policy on Travel Meals

Posted by on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 in archives.

The Office of the Dean of Students (DoS) has revised our internal policy for reimbursement of travel meals effective July 1, 2015.  Travel meals are defined as those taken by DoS employees while away on DoS business.  The revised policy limits meal reimbursement to a maximum of $60.00 total per day, per person, including tax and gratuities.  The daily maximum covers all meal costs (breakfast, lunch, dinner) as well as snacks and other food and beverages.  Limits established per meal period have been removed and replaced with a per day limit.

As a reminder, the policy does not establish or allow per diem reimbursements.  Reimbursement of travel meal expenses will only be made based on actual costs incurred as supported by itemized receipts attached to the travel expense report.  Detailed receipts are required for all reimbursement requests, regardless of dollar amount.

DoS reimburses traveler’s meals that are not otherwise paid for or provided (example: meals will not be reimbursed if included as part of the conference fee) and alcoholic beverages are not reimbursable when part of a travel meal expense.