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OACS Service-Learning Programs

Posted by on Monday, June 1, 2015 in archives.

The OACS global service-learning programs to Ecuador, South Africa, and Morocco have commenced, with the London program and Vanderbilt Internship Experience in Washington, D.C. (VIEW) soon to follow. In all, 63 students selected from a robust pool of applicants will participate this summer. Each student participated in a comprehensive seminar series during the spring semester, and each will engage in critical reflection on his/her experience throughout the course of these immersive programs.

The OACS Global Service Programs challenge students to critically question their perspectives and roles in the shared human experience through pre-service curriculum, intensive service, post-service skills application, and continuous reflection. These programs are rooted in service-learning pedagogy and are meticulously planned in order to best facilitate students’ abilities to connect meaningfully with people different from themselves through humble engagement and reciprocal dialogues within host communities. Participants bring this learning back to add positive value and depth to the social fabric of the VU community and Nashville.

For more information please see