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Posted by on Friday, May 1, 2015 in archives.

Following the forums with Dean Bandas, the senior administrative team spent many hours reflecting upon the information gathered from DOS staff members.  The action plan distributed earlier this month to all staff members was one of the products of this reflection.  The credo, below, is also a product of this reflection and articulates the beliefs and aims which guide our work; it thematizes the expected style of DOS efforts.

Office of the Dean of Students Credo

Our students come FIRST.

We serve our students by working with students, faculty, and staff to fulfill THE MISSION OF THE UNIVERSITY.

We care deeply.

  • We respond personally, enthusiastically, and promptly to our students and their families, to our alumni, to our campus partners, and to members of the larger community.
  • We strive to provide a safe, secure, accessible, and healthy environment designed to promote the flourishing of our students.
  • We strive to create a welcoming, inclusive environment that enables a sense of belonging and the development of shared commitments.
  • We engage passionately and find solutions.
  • We strive to exceed the expectations of those with whom we work and serve.

We educate completely.

  • We are committed to building and sustaining an academic community which affirms the full membership of the diverse individuals and groups of which it is composed.
  • We encourage students to learn from each other.
  • We encourage students to interact with our internationally prominent faculty.
  • We encourage students to find their passions and to engage in inquiry-driven scholarship and leadership.

We lead with excellence.

  • We pursue professional development and master our craft for the sake of our students.
  • We are accountable for our actions; we engage in inquiry, evaluation and assessment to guide our decision-making and practice.
  • We fully employ our diverse skills as a team to serve our students.
  • We collaborate with our campus partners to serve our students and undertake effective communication strategies with both partners and students.
  • We are accountable for our actions and act in ways that benefit the welfare of our students and the Vanderbilt community.
  • We act in accordance with the standards of our profession and our University.