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New Hiring Guidelines Developed by DOS

Posted by on Thursday, May 14, 2015 in archives.

Dean of Students Hiring Guidelines

Dean of Students: Hiring Guidelines

For EXTERNAL Postings


*Director (or equivalent) Search

Search Committee Required

  • Chair of the Search Committee must be a director level or above and may not be the position supervisor (hiring manager).
  • Should consist of a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 7 committee members, including the Search Committee Chair, at least one other DOS director, a faculty member, and a student.
  • The appropriate director (or above) will meet with the search committee at their first meeting to provide information on key qualifications and characteristics they need to fill the open position. They will also provide additional information, if needed, about the position responsibilities.
  • All internal DOS candidates who meet minimum qualifications will be offered due consideration for a phone/skype interview. If they are not interviewed in the initial phase, the associate dean for HR will be informed, and the internal DOS candidate will be informed by the hiring manager and given the opportunity to meet where they will be given an explanation of why a phone interview was not offered. The notification of no interview will take place before the phone interviews begin.
  • If an internal candidate receives a phone/skype interview but is not recommended for an on campus interview, they will be informed by the hiring manager and given the opportunity to meet where they will be given an explanation of why an on campus interview was not offered. The notification of no interview will take place immediately after the committee selects the on campus interviewees.
  • The search committee will be active throughout the selection process and will provide the hiring manager, associate/assistant dean and Dean of Students with a report of candidates moving along to phone and on-campus interviews throughout the process. The final report will include a notation for each final candidate of either 1) recommend for hire 2) recommend with reservations and 3) do not recommend.
  • Members of the committee may provide individual feedback
  • The hiring manager, associate/assistant dean, and Dean of Students will make the final hiring decision. The search committee will be given as much information as possible to explain any decision made that is not the Committee recommendation.

On Campus Interviews

  • If there is not an internal DOS candidate, a minimum of 3 candidates will be part of the on campus interviews.
  • If there is an internal DOS candidate recommended for an on campus interview, a minimum of 2 candidates will be part of the on campus interviews.
  • Each on campus interview must include (but is not limited to):
    • Interview with the Dean of Students or their designee
    • Interview with the appropriate associate/assistant dean
    • Interview with direct supervisor
      • Targeted Selection interview (same interviewer will be utilized for all on-campus interviews whenever possible)
      • Job Talk/Presentation
      • DOS Staff interview
      • Informal meeting with department staff or interview with department staff
      • Student Interview
      • Search Committee Interview

*Associate/Assistant Director (or equivalent) Search

Search Committee Required

  • Chair of the Search Committee must be an associate/assistant director level or above and may not be the position supervisor (hiring manager).
  • Should consist of a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 5 committee members, including the Search Committee Chair, and at least one other DOS assistant/associate director. It is highly recommended that a student be included on the search committee.
  • The appropriate director (or above) will meet with the search committee at their first meeting to provide information on key qualifications and characteristics they need to fill the open position. They will also provide additional information, if needed, about the position responsibilities.
  • The Search Committee will select candidates for phone interviews and will provide the hiring manager, and associate/assistant dean with a Committee ranking of candidates to be brought to campus for interviews.
  • All internal DOS candidates will be offered due consideration for a phone/skype interview. If they are not interviewed in the initial phase, the associate dean for HR will be informed, and the internal DOS candidate will be informed by the hiring manager and given the opportunity to meet where they will be provided with a thorough explanation of why a phone interview was not offered. The notification of no interview will take place before the phone interviews begin.
  • If an internal candidate receives a phone/skype interview but is not recommended for an on campus interview, they will be informed by the hiring manager and given the opportunity to meet where they will be provided with a thorough explanation of why an on campus interview was not offered. The notification of no interview will take place immediately after the committee selects the on campus interviewees.
  • Members of the search committee will be part of the interview process and will provide individual feedback after the on campus interviews.
  • The hiring manager, associate/assistant dean, and Dean of Students will make the final hiring decision and will provide the search committee with as much information as possible to explain the hiring decision.

On Campus Interviews

  • If there is not an internal DOS candidate, a minimum of 2 candidates will be part of the on campus interviews.
  • If there is an internal DOS candidate recommended for an on campus interview, 2 candidates will be part of the on campus interviews.
  • Each on campus interview must include (but is not limited to):
    • Interview with the appropriate associate/assistant dean
    • Interview with direct supervisor
    • Targeted Selection interview
    • DOS Staff interview
      • Informal meeting with department staff or interview with department staff
      • Student Interview
      • Search Committee Interview

*Program Coordinator (or equivalent) Search

Phone Screening Committee Required

  • Chaired by the position supervisor (hiring manager).
  • Should consist of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 committee members At least 1 member of the phone screening committee will be a program coordinator.
  • Candidates for phone/skype interviews will be selected by the hiring manager and their supervisor. It is important that more than 1 person selects the candidates at this level.
  • All internal DOS candidates will be offered due consideration for a phone/skype interview. If they are not interviewed in the initial phase, the associate dean for HR will be informed, and the internal DOS candidate will be informed by the hiring manager and given the opportunity to meet where they will be provided with a thorough explanation of why a phone interview was not offered. The notification of no interview will take place before the phone interviews begin.
  • If an internal candidate receives a phone/skype interview but is not recommended for an on campus interview, they will be informed by the hiring manager and given the opportunity to meet where they will be provided with a thorough explanation of why an on campus interview was not offered. The notification of no interview will take place immediately after the committee selects the on campus interviewees.
  • After the phone interviews and the selection of candidates for on-campus interviews, the phone selection committee is disbanded
  • Members of the phone screening committee may be part of the DOS interview team which provides individual feedback (not a group recommendation)

On Campus Interviews

  • If there is not an internal DOS candidate, a minimum of 2 candidates will be part of the on campus interviews.
  • If there is an internal DOS candidate recommended for an on campus interview, the selection committee may also make a recommendation to the hiring manager to only offer an on campus interview to the internal candidate. The final decision to bring only one candidate for an on campus interview will be made by the hiring manager in consultation with the assistant/associate dean or the associate dean for HR.
  • Each on campus interview must include (but is not limited to):
    • Interview with the appropriate department head, senior director, or associate/assistant dean
    • Targeted Selection interview
    • DOS Staff interview
    • Informal meeting with department staff or interview with department staff
    • Student Interview


*Non Exempt or Technical Position Search

No Search or Phone Screening Committee required

  • The position supervisor (hiring manager) and their supervisor, in consultation with the appropriate department head, senior director, or associate/assistant dean, will select candidates for interviews.
  • Phone interviews may be offered but are not required.
  • All internal DOS candidates will be offered due consideration for an interview. If they are not interviewed, the associate dean for HR will be informed, and the internal DOS candidate will meet with the hiring manager and will be given a thorough explanation of why a phone interview was not offered.

All internal DOS candidates will be offered due consideration for an interview. If they are not interviewed, the associate dean for HR will be informed, and the internal DOS candidate will be informed by the hiring manager and given the opportunity to meet where they will be provided with a thorough explanation of why an interview was not offered. The notification of no interview will take place before interviews begin

On Campus Interviews

  • If there is not an internal DOS candidate, a minimum of 2 candidates will be part of the on campus interviews.
  • If there is an internal DOS candidate recommended for an on campus interview, the hiring manager and their supervisor may decide to only offer an on campus interview to the internal candidate.
  • Each on campus interview must include (but is not limited to):
    • Interview with the hiring manager
    • Targeted Selection interview
      • DOS Staff interview (peer group of the non exempt position – i.e. administrative assistant team interviews AA candidates)


Any open position that we plan to fill must receive approval from the Dean of Students and the Provost’s Office of Finance and Administration. Items required for approval:

  • Updated job description
  • Justification as to why the position needs to be filled
  • Salary requirement

Once approved, DOS staff will be notified by email that the position is posted. After notification that the position is posted on the Vanderbilt jobline, DOS staff will receive an email notice that will include the length of the posting if there is a close date. Notification will also be placed on the DOS Homepage and in the DOS News. The hiring manager must confirm the budget for each hiring.

Any posting outside Vanderbilt (i.e. Chronicle or higheredjobs,com) will be considered for each open position but it is strongly recommended that any salaried position be posted in at least one site in addition to the jobline.

Supervisors should be consulted for any of their staff that is being considered for search or phone screening committee. Staff must be informed they have the right to turn down a committee assignment without fear of repercussion.

Phone/Skype interviews for each position must include similar protocol. For instance, if one person is unable to skype, only phone interviews will be conducted. The same questions should be asked in each phone/skype interview to allow the committee to make more objective candidate comparisons.

Internal candidates offered on-campus interviews will be considered the top candidate for the position however, this does not guarantee they will be offered the position.

It is strongly suggested that as part of on campus interviewing, the hiring manager is encouraged to ask about the candidate’s career goals and to articulate a potential career path at Vanderbilt.

Hiring managers must get approval from supervisors if they plan to take candidates to dinner either before or after the on campus interview day. The dinners should include no more than 2 staff members and must be at a reasonable restaurant.

The Associate Dean responsible for HR must be consulted when necessary and must be copied on all relevant email related to the search process. Examples include:

  • Any official email to candidates offering phone or on campus interviews
  • On campus interview itineraries
  • ALL emails to the HR recruiter
  • The final offer letter

It is the hiring manager’s responsibility to notify any candidates who are not selected for the next step of the hiring process. For phone candidates not moving to on-campus interviews, they should be notified once on-campus interviews are accepted by the remaining candidates. For final candidates, the notification will happen after an offer is accepted.

All documents related to the search will be kept by the hiring manager for 2 years and then destroyed. Committee members will turn over any relevant search documents to the hiring manager and will destroy all other search materials at the conclusion of the hiring process.

Exceptions to these guidelines must be approved by the appropriate assistant/associate dean and the associate dean for HR.

For INTERNAL Postings

An internal hire may be considered for any open salaried position within the Dean of Students Office and is any search that is limited to current staff members within the Dean of Students Office. If the hiring manager and the appropriate assistant/associate dean determine it is in the best interests of DOS to conduct an internal search, the rationale must be submitted in writing to the Associate Provost & Dean of Students along with the rationale for filling or creating the position.

*Director (or equivalent) Search:

Search Committee Required

  • Chair of the Search Committee must be a director level or above and may not be the position supervisor (hiring manager).
  • Should consist of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 committee members, including the Search Committee Chair, at least one other DOS director, and a student.
  • The appropriate director (or above) will meet with the search committee at their first meeting to provide information on key qualifications and characteristics they need to fill the open position. They will also provide additional information, if needed, about the position responsibilities.
  • If there are 5 or fewer internal DOS candidates for the position who meet minimum qualifications, each will be offered a phone interview. If there are more than 5 internal DOS candidates who meet the minimum qualifications, the search committee will select a minimum of 3 candidates for phone interviews. Those not selected at this point in the process will be informed by the hiring manager and given the opportunity to meet where they will be given an explanation of why a phone interview was not offered. The notification of no interview will take place before the phone interviews begin.
  • Candidates receiving a phone interview who are not recommended for an on campus interview will be informed by the hiring manager and given the opportunity to meet where they will be given an explanation of why an on campus interview was not offered. The notification of no interview will take place immediately after the committee selects the on campus interviewees.
  • The search committee will be active throughout the selection process and will provide the hiring manager, associate/assistant dean and Dean of Students with a report of candidates moving along to phone and on-campus interviews throughout the process. The final report will include a notation for each final candidate of either 1) recommend for hire 2)recommend with reservations and 3) do not recommend.
  • Members of the committee may provide individual feedback
  • The hiring manager, associate/assistant dean, and Dean of Students will make the final hiring decision. The search committee will be given as much information as possible to explain any decision made that is not the Committee recommendation.

On Campus Interviews

  • The committee may recommend there be only 1 candidate considered for an on campus interviews. The hiring manager will make the final decision after consultation with the assistant/associate dean and the associate dean for HR.
  • Each on campus interview must include (but is not limited to):
    • Interview with the Dean of Students or their designee
    • Interview with the appropriate associate/assistant dean
    • Interview with direct supervisor
      • Targeted Selection interview (same interviewer will be utilized for all on-campus interviews whenever possible)
      • Job Talk/Presentation
      • DOS Staff interview
      • Informal meeting with department staff or interview with department staff
      • Student Interview
      • Search Committee Interview

*Associate/Assistant Director (or equivalent) Search

Search Committee Required

  • Chair of the Search Committee must be an associate/assistant director level or above and may not be the position supervisor (hiring manager).
  • Should consist of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 4 committee members, including the Search Committee Chair, and at least one other DOS assistant/associate director. It is highly recommended that a student be included on the search committee.
  • The appropriate director (or above) will meet with the search committee at their first meeting to provide information on key qualifications and characteristics they need to fill the open position. They will also provide additional information, if needed, about the position responsibilities.
  • If there are 4 or fewer internal DOS candidates for the position who meet minimum qualifications, each will be offered a phone interview. If there are more than 4 internal DOS candidates who meet the minimum qualifications, the search committee will select a minimum of 3 candidates for phone interviews. Those not selected at this point in the process will be informed by the hiring manager and given the opportunity to meet where they will be given an explanation of why a phone interview was not offered. The notification of no interview will take place before the phone interviews begin.
  • Candidates receiving a phone interview who are not recommended for an on campus interview will be informed by the hiring manager and given the opportunity to meet where they will be given an explanation of why an on campus interview was not offered. The notification of no interview will take place immediately after the committee selects the on campus interviewees.
  • Members of the search committee will be part of the interview process and will provide individual feedback after the on campus interviews.
  • The hiring manager, associate/assistant dean, and Dean of Students will make the final hiring decision and will provide the search committee with as much information as possible to explain the hiring decision.

On Campus Interviews

  • The committee may recommend there be only 1 candidate considered for an on campus interviews. The hiring manager will make the final decision after consultation with the assistant/associate dean and the associate dean for HR.
  • Each on campus interview must include (but is not limited to):
  • Interview with the appropriate associate/assistant dean
  • Interview with direct supervisor
  • Targeted Selection interview
  • DOS Staff interview
  • Informal meeting with department staff or interview with department staff
  • Student Interview
  • Search Committee Interview


*Program Coordinator (or equivalent) Search

No Search or Phone Screening Committee required

  • The position supervisor (hiring manager) and their supervisor, in consultation with the appropriate department head, senior director, or associate/assistant dean, will select candidates for interviews.
  • If there are 3 or fewer internal DOS candidates for the position who meet minimum qualifications, each will be offered a phone/skype interview. If there are more than 3 internal DOS candidates who meet the minimum qualifications, the search committee will select a maximum of 2 candidates for phone/skype interviews. Those not selected at this point in the process will be informed by the hiring manager and given the opportunity to meet where they will be given an explanation of why a phone interview was not offered. The notification of no interview will take place before the phone interviews begin.
  • Candidates receiving a phone/skype interview who are not recommended for an on campus interview will be informed by the hiring manager and given the opportunity to meet where they will be given an explanation of why an on campus interview was not offered. The notification of no interview will take place immediately after the committee selects the on campus interviewees.

On Campus Interviews

  • The committee may recommend there be only 1 candidate considered for an on campus interviews. The hiring manager will make the final decision after consultation with the assistant/associate dean and the associate dean for HR.
  • Each on campus interview must include (but is not limited to):
    • Interview with the appropriate department head, senior director, or associate/assistant dean
    • Targeted Selection interview
    • DOS Staff interview
    • Informal meeting with department staff or interview with department staff
    • Student Interview



Any open position that we plan to fill must receive approval from the Dean of Students and the Provost’s Office of Finance and Administration. Items required for approval:

  • Updated job description
  • Justification as to why the position needs to be filled
  • Salary requirement

Once approved, DOS staff will be notified by email that the position is posted and will be an internal Dean of Students Office hire. After notification that the position is posted on the Vanderbilt jobline, DOS staff will receive an email notice that will include the length of the posting if there is a close date. Notification will also be placed on the DOS Homepage and in the DOS News. The hiring manager must confirm the budget for each hiring.

DOS Staff members who have been in their current Dean of Students position for 12 months or longer will receive priority status for internal positions over those who have been in the current position less than 12 months.

Supervisors should be consulted for any of their staff that is being considered for search or phone screening committee. Staff must be informed they have the right to turn down a committee assignment without fear of repercussion.

It is strongly suggested that as part of on campus interviewing, the hiring manager is encouraged to ask about the candidate’s career goals and to articulate a potential career path at Vanderbilt.

Hiring managers must get approval from supervisors if they plan to take candidates to dinner either before or after the on campus interview day. The dinners should include no more than 2 staff members and must be at a reasonable restaurant.

The Associate Dean responsible for HR must be consulted when necessary and must be copied on all relevant email related to the search process. Examples include:

  • Any official email to candidates offering phone or on campus interviews
  • On campus interview itineraries
  • ALL emails to the HR recruiter
  • The final offer letter

Those not offered the position will be informed by the hiring manager and given the opportunity to meet where they will be given an explanation. The notification of no offer will take place after the offer is accepted by the other candidate and before a notice is sent to the DOS staff.

All documents related to the search will be kept by the hiring manager for 2 years and then destroyed. Committee members will turn over any relevant search documents to the hiring manager and will destroy all other search materials at the conclusion of the hiring process.

Exceptions to these guidelines must be approved by the appropriate assistant/associate dean and the associate dean for HR.