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Congratulations Petey Peterson!

Posted by on Friday, May 1, 2015 in archives.

Congratulations Petey Peterson

The Office of LGBTQI Life wishes to announce the departure of Petey Peterson. They have accepted a position as the first ever Director of LGBTA Affairs at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. We are so thrilled for Petey, as we have all known for some time they are “director ready.” Of course, we are incredibly sad for our office and for the many students who have connected with Petey in deep and meaningful ways. A reception for colleagues and friends will be planned closer to Petey’s actual departure date of June 24th.

It would be impossible to list all the ways in which Petey has fundamentally changed and improved our office, but to name a few:

  • They changed the “Out in Front” LGBTQI+ and Ally Conference to be a primarily student run regional conference, tripling attendance in the process.
  • They developed the Trans@VU website so transgender and gender non-conforming students have a place to access information regarding their most pressing needs.
  • They created and coordinated the first ever “Diverse Dores Community Jamboree” to introduce students to the multitude of support surrounding issues of identity at Vanderbilt.They cemented partnerships with the Black Cultural Center, RA Training Committee, LGBTI Health, and many other departments and student groups.
  • They educated the entire campus continuously on all LGBTQI issues, but especially transgender issues, with approachability, patience, and humor.
  • Most importantly, they mentored and inspired many faculty, students and staff regarding their sexual and gender identities.

Thank you Petey for all of you have done for Vanderbilt. Wright State is incredibly lucky.