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Sarratt-Rand Closure in May

Posted by on Thursday, April 30, 2015 in archives.

Sarratt | Rand will be closed for electrical renovations starting on Wednesday, May 13 at 4:00 PM. All services within Sarratt | Rand will be closed, and offices will be relocated temporarily from May 14 – May 17. Unless notification to the contrary is posted, Sarratt | Rand will reopen at 7:00 AM on Monday, May 18.

If you work in Sarratt | Rand and do not know where you will be working please consult your supervisor. All offices have a designated temporary work location. Should anyone need to enter Sarratt | Rand during the outage please email Eric Sneeden, Carrie Johnson, or Chris Reed. Please make sure to power down and unplug all electronic devices before you leave on Wednesday, May 13, and take any items you may need during teh May 14 – May 17 time frame. We appreciate your cooperation during this brief, but important, interruption to our normal operations.