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Annual Conflict of Interest Disclosure

Posted by on Monday, April 1, 2013 in archives.

It is time, once again, for all Vanderbilt faculty and staff to complete their annual conflict of interest (COI) disclosure.  As you know, the Vanderbilt University Board of Trust requires all Vanderbilt faculty and staff to complete a disclosure at least annually. Once you have submitted your disclosure for approval, VPES, Vanderbilt’s online performance evaluation system, will automatically reflect your compliance.

Please remember the updated requirement that all criminal arrests and convictions for staff are reported through a COI disclosure within 3 business days of the arrest or conviction.  If you have a criminal history, question E on “Legal Proceedings” has been updated to provide easier disclosure.  Criminal history that was disclosed during the recent criminal background checks does not need to be disclosed again on the COI disclosure. In the event there has been an arrest or conviction since the criminal background check last fall or in the future, you will need to disclose the new information. Please do the following to complete your disclosure:

1. Click here to log into the system with your VUnet ID and e-password.

2. Click the Create Disclosure button

Follow the instructions, answering all questions and acknowledgments

Using the Continue button on the lower right side of the page, select the person who will approve your disclosure. This is normally your immediate supervisor or the person who completes your performance evaluation.

If there are no error messages on the last page of the disclosure process, you will see a Submit button on the right side of the page

You MUST click the Submit button in order for your disclosure to be submitted to your approver.

Your approver will receive an email notifying him/her that your disclosure has been submitted.

If you have any questions about completing the process or need help using the system, please write or call the Help Desk at 343-4357 (3-HELP).