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Run for Our Veterans 5K – DOS Team

Posted by on Thursday, March 14, 2013 in archives.

Dean Bandas is sponsoring at least two teams of up to 20 persons, each, in the Run for Our Veterans 5k event organized by Vanderbilt’s Naval ROTC unit. The event begins at 9am on Saturday, March 23, on the Martha Rivers Ingram Commons. The course loops through Music Row before finishing at the Commons.

Traci Ray, with assistance from Mark Forrester, Kristen Shorter, and Tina Smith, is beating the bushes to pull together student participation. (So if you have a group of students interested in fielding a team—underwritten by the Dean of Students and a generous alumnus—give her a shout!) Traci has forms for the registration of student teams or individual students.

Heather Jones and F. Clark Williams have agreed to pull the Dean of Students teams together, and to that end, he’s built a form for registration for DoS staff.(Again, note that Traci has the forms for students.)

Note that Team DoS will have a team for walkers as well as a team for runners, so just about any of us should be able to participate. And keep in mind that it costs you nothing but a little sweat equity.