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News Flash from Dean Bandas

Posted by on Friday, September 28, 2012 in archives.

As part of continuing efforts to increase communication efforts, we are implementing an exit interview process. Often, it is difficult in our day-to-day operations to take time to reflect on systems and practices affecting the work that we do. Exit interviews will present an opportunity for the Office of the Dean of Students to learn more about our organizational culture and practices.

Exit interviews will be available beginning immediately for those who have resigned their positions and who would like to participate in this process. We know that some people may be more comfortable offering feedback in written format. Therefore, both written and oral opportunities will be provided for feedback. Following a resignation, the staff member will be contacted by their supervisor or Associate Dean and offered the opportunity for an oral or written exit interview. Exit interviews are voluntary and those who participate will have their exit interview conducted during the final two weeks of employment with the Dean of Students Office.

Exit interview data will be compiled as part of DOS assessment practices, and suggestions for improvement will be shared with relevant departments. Supervisors or other department employees will not be allowed viewing access. The complete exit interview form will be filed confidentially within the central Dean of Students Office. Exit interview forms and other related documents will not become part of the staff members personnel file.

All associate and assistant deans will be available for exit interviews. Human resource personnel are also available for exit interviews for any staff members who would feel more comfortable speaking with someone who is not a staff member of the Dean of Students Office.

– Mark Bandas

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