Oracle Learning has replaced the Learning Exchange!
Oracle Learning is the university's new learning management system that replaced the Learning Exchange in November 2019.
The Learning Exchange was an older application that the university had been using under an agreement with VUMC that is ending this year.
Users can access in-system training and guidance for using the Oracle Learning module under the GUIDE ME tab within Oracle Cloud.
These resources include step-by-step instructions for activities such as:
- Access training in Oracle Learning (includes a short video overview);
- Review my Oracle Learning transcript; and
- A quick reference guide for using Oracle learning.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Who can access Oracle Learning?
All university staff, faculty and enrolled students can access Oracle Learning:
- New employees will have access to Oracle Learning as soon as their Oracle Cloud employment record is active, typically on their first day of work; and
- Enrolled students will receive access to Oracle Learning upon matriculation.
Volunteers and other non-workers who need to complete training may be granted access to Oracle Learning when appropriate - please discuss these needs with your HCM Specialist.
How do I access and complete training in Oracle Learning?
Users may access training by searching for training and self-enrolling or by being assigned a course to complete, which will be available under Current Learning. Completed assignments are displayed under your Transcript.
If you are unable to locate a course by searching the online catalog in Oracle or in your Current Learning assignments, please contact the area requiring you to complete the training - the course may not be available for self-enrollment or may be provided via an alternate platform (e.g., EverFi).
I see both "Learning" and "What to Learn" options in Oracle with the same icon. How do these differ?
The Learning and What to Learn options both provide access to the same learning catalog and actions in Oracle Cloud. You can use either to access and complete your training.
The key difference between these options is the navigation. Learning presents the available options using the menu tiles as displayed in the screen shot above, while the What to Learn option presents Current Learning assignments in a mobile-friendly list format, with items such as the Transcript available through an Actions menu.
Will Vanderbilt maintain records from the legacy system?
Yes. Historical training data from the legacy Learning Exchange system will be archived in Vanderbilt's data warehouse and accessible by Business Officers.
My research requires training that is provided by VUMC. Can I access this training in Oracle Cloud?
Several VUMC areas, such as Vanderbilt Environmental Health and Safety (VEHS) and the Human Research Protections Program (VHRPP), that provide training to university staff, faculty and students have made their courses available via Oracle Learning. Please consult with the area requiring you to complete training for details on their courses.